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About derek_wright

  1. gav hows things just wondering how much roughly would it cost to get a sti v8 spoiler sprayed and fitted by yourselfs


  2. cheers guys was on scoobyworld but couldnt see them will check again
  3. anyone know how much nn were,s the best place to get one car is a 2000 model impreza turbo any help would be great cheers
  4. as above lookin to get one or the other but split 50/50 which is best
  5. much the same mate mine was tested in the middle of a car park not to noisy a place granted but when its while a local cruise is on it can be a bit noisy
  6. sorry guys but got stopped the other week and got a fixed fine of 40 quid and the car was only making 97 db told by plod that the limite was only 85 db but they were allowing up to 92 db
  7. as abouve just wondering how many of us also have bikes 1) big del gsx 1400 2)
  8. very nice m8 lookes clean
  9. btw very nice car m8
  10. If its coilovers u should be able to raise the ride height as for the camber i think it depends how much u raise it just a thought but would it not be easier to just trim a bit off the bottom of the flaps
  11. nice m8 like the crystal side lights + repeters[Y]
  12. Try and make it but meant to be working in dunfermline [:@] so might pop up after work
  13. White every time lookes well hard[]btw car is stunning m8
  14. The windows are still standard just now thinking of going along the same kinda line as Boris B .and yeh the wheels are a nightmare to keep clean especialy as i use car to commute but when u see them clean and polished its worth it[]
  15. Cheers m8 lookes the dogs u know what
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