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andy findlay

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Everything posted by andy findlay

  1. i know thanks guys []
  2. yes i have been given the same advice from the chip supplyer just looking for more expert advice thanks andy f
  3. i fitted a scoobyecu to my ecu everything works great up until 4k rpm and it hesitates really bad on full boost i have try the scobbyecu in to ecus just incase it was that still the same problem occured now when i bought the scoobyecu i asked for it to be mapped for a decat and airfilter i do not have the decat fitted could this be the cause of the hesitation (turbo spools up but the standard cat is blocking the flow of the gases causing this hesitation )[:^)] any advice would be most welcome i have a jdm wrx 1995 saloon
  4. i will get back to you soon mate thanks
  5. would a v7 ecu work on my jdm import ?? my current ecu is a 2c
  6. ewan what ecu code is on the front of the ecu ??
  7. am based in ayrshire and really want this chip fitted to give me a good amount of power john were in glasgow are you ? the chip i have is a 28 pin and looking at the ecu and all the soldering points why did subaru not fit a chip cradlle to all the jap imports aswell
  8. john are you a dab hand with a solder iron and solder sucker as i use this car as a daily driver and want someone who is confident in what they do not saying you are not just can afford for somethink to go wrong please pm back cheers
  9. i bought a scoobyecu from s taylor the chip is a 28 pin and it needs to be soldered to the spare slot on the ecu does anyone know someone who can do this for me and is a pro at solderin help please
  10. where are the jap auto breakers now i know they used to be near ibrox were did they move to thanks and do they have a website ???
  11. i tryed fitting a classic chip to my ecu and now the car will not start i think i have damaged the ecu does anyone have one lying around/for sale its for a classic wrx 92-96 four plug fitment i really need one asap i have work on sat thanks
  12. i have been looking at this and i am not sure if this is the real thing or not http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/SUBARU-IMPREZA-GENUI...1QQcmdZViewItem does anyone on here know if this is genuine chip ????????
  13. looking for a good car alarm installer in the ayrshire/glasgow area i have the alarm its a toad cat 1 ai606 i have been quoted 250 quid from a company in irvine must be insurance approved help please i think 250 is a bit much considering i am supplying the alarm
  14. there you go first hole says interaction [:^)] second says data out [8-)] third says option [*-)] i have fitted a mbc before but this is all new to me
  15. got this device this morning and need help fitting it also does anyone know what is missing i.e valves or connectors heres some photos [8-)]
  16. north ayrshire mate sunny ardrossan[H]
  17. how expensive are they ?
  18. i have just bought one second hand but need some help with fitting anyone know these devices well any garages that could help me set it up i live in ayrshire [:S]
  19. snigger
  20. i have a magnex half system fitted how much for a good quailty downpipe to de-cat ??
  21. used to own a MR2 TURBO but bought my self a SUBARU WRX IMPORT 1995 some advice on uping the boost please dawes device??? or a manual boost controler i have fitted one of these on my mr2 before
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