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Everything posted by scooby-girl

  1. Do you commute via a car? YES[] Do you take your Scooby? YES[] How many miles do you commute to work? 30MILES ROUNDTRIP [] How long does it take you? 15/20MINS EACH WAY ,DEPENDING ON THE SHEEP![:@] Do you ever take a long way home? NOPE JEN[]
  2. THANKS for the info[] JEN[]
  3. Hi[] It's been a while since I last bought some alloys[*-)] I'm wanting to get 18" P-FF7's in gold for my STI PPP 02[] Do I need to get some spacers? Can you get the alloys coated to stop stones chipping them[:@] Spare wheel - Do you buy 5 alloys? Jen[*-)]
  4. I think thats the one![] it makes a nice whoooooooooosh noise! The previous owner fitted it and seen as though I bought the scoobie from a Mitsubishi garage they couldn't give me any info about the scoob. Jen[]
  5. Thanks for the replies[] There are 2/3 scoobies on the island Inverness is my nearest meet[]....some 120miles.....1hr45/2hr drive[] Jen[]
  6. HI[] I have a 02 STI PPP Bugeye[] it's standard at the mo....apart from an HKS superflow dumpvalve As it's my first scoobie and I don't know anyone else that has one, or much about them, []I thought I better join this forum[] Jen
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