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About gubderSTI

  1. Defo gold fee Steve
  2. Thanks for the advice Steve
  3. Hey guys and gals as the poat says as just looking for a bit of advice on the ideal pressure for front and rear. size of tyres are 225/45/17 Cheers Steve
  4. Welcome aboarb mate Steve
  5. Sorry to hear that matey Steve
  6. That is truly awful waste of a scooby! Steve
  7. Looks stunning matey , love classics in white.Imay be bias tho as i have 1 in white. Steve
  8. Some cracking motors there Steve
  9. The first year things were fine with them as i paid the year subscription in full,the following year was a complete f**k up as they werent even taking money out of my account. I then phoned them to querie this and they said that they had no record of me at all.I was very pissed of as if my car was nicked then my insurance would have gone down the swanny. Managed to get it sorted now or until the next time they f**k up Steve
  10. Nice pics matey Steve
  11. Big thumbs up[H] Steve
  12. Looks like you had a great day , nice pics and video footage Steve
  13. Thats lovely Steve
  14. That is 1 hell of a machine , love it Steve
  15. Welcome aboard to you both Steve
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