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About philrsi

  1. Although perhaps not that surprising considering the opposition. The fact they are almost the same price in the US was surprising.
  2. Ugly but in a pretty way, if you know what I mean.
  3. Thanks lads
  4. The time has come for me to do an oil change on the old girl. So apart from the oil and a filter, what else do I require? Are there any special tools needed to get the sump plug out, can I get new sump plug washers from any old motor factors? Cheers
  5. We're the council. We know everything about you. If you think about it, the council has control over nearly every aspect of your life from birth to death and in some cases beyond. Depends what the priorities of your council are. Or the local plod could have asked them to do it and given them a list of addresses so they can concentrate on the rest of the paperwork cops have to do these days.
  6. He could have been buying sweets BUT he was parked next to a pump! [*-)]
  7. Was that you that went flying past me in the 40 area outside St Asaph on the Rhyl Rd just after you had filled up at the petrol station??? []
  8. Got a quote from CAS
  9. Just wondering what a good price is to have a clutch supplied and fitted, mine has started to slip in 4th and 5th. [:@]
  10. Does anyone know what's going on with this damned thing? [*-)] Last I heard was the Christmas newsletter that said there would be some good news early 2007. []
  11. That's the best I've done in any quiz! [] Apart from that pub quiz champions of champions thing....
  12. Cheers Andy. [H]
  13. Does anyone know if the contact details on their website are correct? http://www.casmotorsport.co.uk/ I notice it says they have moved on the 3rd June but I rang them on the phone number in the contacts section on the 5th june and spoke to one of the guys. This week I have been trying to contact them again on the same number but it just keeps ringing. Yesterday a girl answered and said it was the wrong number for them. Has anyone been in the past week or so that could confirm their location or number?
  14. Sparkplug question. Is it worth changing the plugs to something like Bosch superfours or Splitfires or just staying the the standard plug? Denso Iridiums are out but the way, too expensive for this cat.
  15. Might have to phone the dealers and see what this service envolves then. Then tell them to change the belt and oil only [] Do the rest myself.
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