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About tazmaniandevil

  1. Give Stevie a phone at Scottish Subaru Breakers on 0141 884 1555 or 07791988191(mobile) They're in Paisley, but it must be worth a punt and will be much cheaper than Subaru.
  2. Can't rate Ian Greive Falkirk highly enough. I needed parts for my import '92 Legacy wagon, and the parts dept. bent over backwards for me.
  3. Nice new sexy look. Got back wiv no hassles - just read the instructions.....
  4. Aye, signed. Not because I'm against Islam in particular - I am against all organised religion, and don't see why public money should be spent on religion. - I signed this for the same reason I voted against that white elephant quango at Holyrood. It is a waste of public money. Public money, boys and girls, is OUR MONEY. We apparently don't get a say in how our money is spent.
  5. Ooohh errr missus! I was driving down the M8 toward the Erskine bridge just about the same time as this went off. If they come from Glasgow and get bailed, the Asian community will do them in for this. Good enough for them. I hope the polis were their usual gentle selves when they lifted them... I got picked up by the chest hair one time in Glasgow an chucked in the back of a meat wagon just for being a wee bitty drunk. Emm I was a wee bit cheeky as well, and a wee bit loud... and made comments about the marital status of the blokes parents.... so fair do's I suppose.
  6. Yeah, might have helped if I put that info in..... It's more or less opposite the Morrison's petrol station, which is a good landmark.
  7. Went to Paisley today to get a rear crossmember. This fella specialises in used Scoob spares, all in good condition, and cheap enough for everyone's pocket. Friendly service and free advice - it really doesn't get any better. Call Stevie on 0141 884 1555 to discuss your needs. The premises will be expanding soon, and there should be a web presence quite soon too.
  8. I'm sure it's been said before but the 'national speed limit' needs to be looked at by those chinless wnakers at whitehall. The current limits were put in place in the 1960's when very few production cars could reach said limits. Cars now are more powerful, and have much better brakes which make them much safer to drive at higher speeds. The stretch of the M74 between Lockerbie and Gretna is the fastest stretch of road in the UK apparently, even faster than the M6 Toll. And no wonder. It is relatively quiet, visibility is fantastic, and the road surface itself is in good nic. No offence to the boys in blue, but dottery old b@st@rds who hog the middle lane at 50mph and daft bints (sorry ladies, but you know what I mean) in their Chelsea tractors cutting straight across all the lanes on a roundabout just don't tick enough boxes on the monthly stats which is why you never see any of these twunts getting nicked. Drive at 3mph above the posted limit though and they always seem to be there. There's a road in Stirling which has been covered in chevrons up the middle and there's no overtaking allowed. This means that on a clear evening when the road's quiet, you get stuck behind some coffin dodger doing 20mph you have to stay behind them to the end of the road. This is just as dangerous as some of the previous bad overtaking on that stretch of road because of the frustration it causes. Like the CCTV, it doesn't solve the problem, it just displaces it. If a proper dual carriageway had been built instead of a road 3 lanes wide, overtaking would never have become an issue.
  9. There are quite a few Scoobs driven by coffin dodgers in Stirling. There's a cracking blue classic I see regularly, driven by an elderly lady - and she's not one for hanging about either.
  10. Signed [Y]- My old wagon is 14 years old.[]
  11. I bought a set of '92 Legacy headlights off a young fella, went by the name of Scooby Dave on the UKLegacy forum, who drove a silver 'preza. If yir reading this Dave - Let the troops over on the dark side know it wasn't you please.
  12. Break out the violins troops and troopesses. I wanted to be a solicitor. I went to a school which had shall we say delusions of grandeur. I came from the slightly downmarket side of town and although relatively bright was sh@t on by teachers most of the time. The school careers teacher's reaction to my ambition was, (I will hate the rancid old b@st@rd for this till the day I die) "Don't be so stupid boy! People like you don't become solicitors. Go away and get yourself a trade." After leaving school with 8 (count them) O' grades, 5 of which were A passes, I served my apprenticeship as a sparkie. I did this for 15-and a bit years before saying fugg this for a game of sojers, and retraining in IT. I now make a (fairly sh1t) living as a desktop support technician. Easy job, 9-5, weekends off, 21 days paid holiday a year and paid sick leave. Light at the end of the tunnel? Only 23 years to retirement and a decent pension.
  13. Oh aye it is possible. Sounds like a bit of a cnut having to drop the back end off the car just for a brake pipe though. I'd be tempted to loosen the sub-frame mounting bolts enough to lower the frame a baw hair and slip the pipe through between the frame and the car body. Don't be scared about tackling brake pipes yourself. The hardest bit is bleeding them after. If you buy one of these Eezibleed babies, it's a fookin doddle. £55 an hour is a liberty[:@], don't let them away with it.
  14. Don't know you bud, but from reading many posts my perception is that you do damned good work at a fraction of what the so-called 'professionals' charge. (Professional: master: an authority qualified to teach apprentices) I'm sure the bad comments etc. are nothing but sour grapes from jealous w***ers who wish they had half your talent. I understand why you feel like jacking it all in, but wonder if this is anger speaking. Why not take some time out instead, and think about your options. From what I have read you would get a huge amount of support from members of this forum if you decided to continue. ILLEGITIMUS NON CARBORUNDUM
  15. Don't be too hasty. Age is no barrier to owning a Scooby. I'm 42, and have only just entered the Scooby arena when I bought my Legacy last year. I am currently looking for an Impreza I can afford, so don't give up just yet. My head still thinks it is 18, even though the body looks 50.
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