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Everything posted by DaOne

  1. Hi Kev, welcome back!
  2. Give Tim Farmer a ring 07880 661866 he use to be at zen performance and now set up on his own doing mobile work. he is very good and very good prices
  3. what about bowling and chinese at cineworld in cambridge like last year?
  4. other people are running the same set up as me with methanol and are over 500 bhp would like to do the gear box and then a wagon re-shell with abw arches
  5. im still around, havent done alot really, apart from saving for a 6 speed, as my standard box isnt liking more power than standard like it use to lol
  6. ill see you there! ill be on the cable tie racing stand
  7. anyone going? im hopefully going for all 3 days http://www.japcarclub.com/
  8. ill be there
  9. ill be there, and i think chrisrb5 as well
  10. any pics? I bet your header tank looks nice
  11. if you look at my picture, you can hee it at the back where the tmic use to be
  12. I think for the classic you need 4 ports. 3 the same size 1 for left rocker 1 for right rocker 1 for the breather next to the turbo then 1x bigger one to vent to atmos
  13. anyone going this sunday (1st may) it is at the Duxford iwm
  14. thats cool it was nice to meet some new faces
  15. me
  16. I am trying so see who would like there car on a rolling road at zen performance. you will get print outs of bhp, lbft, afr, boost and also find out how much power your car has, it is also a good way to see what sort of condition it is in or if there are any problems with fueling etc Zen performance( http://www.zenperformance.co.uk/ ) is in Wellingbrough near santa pod drag strip. not 100% sure on dates and price (normally around the £40 mark), these will be found out abit later on. so who would like to have there cars on the rollers? thanks ian p.s there are a few people on scoobynet who are up for this as well
  17. anyone up for a mini meet on tuesday 28th december? have posted it up on snet as well http://bbs.scoobynet.com/east-anglia-435/863523-december-meet.html#post9760569
  18. Thanks for the fab night out all. we had a fantastic time. Grace fell asleep in the car on the way home, but she did well. top button of my jeans is well undone now and feeling alot better
  19. UPDATE Please Read Bowling booking had a mess up, so times have changed abit booked for 4pm 3 games each, for 10 people £12 per person hope this is ok with everyone. see you saturday, and dont forget the xmas hats the lucky star is up stairs if anyone fancys some food after bowling http://www.luckystarcambridge.co.uk/ thanks ian
  20. DaOne + 1 could it be worth putting on s/net as well?
  21. that would be v good me thinks
  22. anyone else??
  23. he is probley recovering from the drive in the sport last night lol
  24. sat 4th or 18th would be best with me. (like the 18th best) if there are alot of people going, pizza hut on newmarket road in cambridge has a v big car park. bowling is v fun, but the food isnt that good, but in cambridge bowling ally, there is a all you can eat chinese for £15 pp that is nice or local pub that we go to for the meets, but if alot of people go, there isnt alot of parking space. ill carry on thinking
  25. hope it is going to stop raining soon
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