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About Grimmy

  1. Must admit I don't usually go on SIDC much because no one knows FA on here and as for the personal insults....I would expect no more from a bunch of muppets like you lot. Enough said! Don't bother replying because I won't be on here again... I just remembered why I don't use it...Oh by the way Nice stickers loser!!! LMAO Scottish Scoobies... I will say no more! PMSL ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ John, Scabbynet is down at the mo so we are being invaded by the likes of this BA JAWZ[] LOL! Thanks man!
  2. Must admit I don't usually go on SIDC much because no one knows FA on here and as for the personal insults....I would expect no more from a bunch of muppets like you lot. Enough said PMSL ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ John, Scabbynet is down at the mo so we are being invaded by the likes of this BA JAWZ[] LOL! Thanks man!
  3. So is that your car with all the rally stickers down the side welshboy?
  4. Just read through the SN posts and post 67 seemed to sum it all up to me!
  5. Welsho...response about the car not their personal life ffs....get a life!
  6. I must admit I have just read through this post and am amazed at some of the comments! Everyone is entitled to do what they like to THEIR own car, and everyone else are entitled to THEIR own opinions, but the way a lot of you personally attack someone is disgraceful, and YOU are the ones that give Scooby owners a bad name! A simple Yes I do, or no I don't would suffice, but no you decide to personally attack someone for their innovations! Two words KNOB JOCKEYS! Just like to add that does not apply to everyone who replied....just the Knob Jockeys!!!!
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