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About Roadrunner

  1. Im actually getting used to the effect the scoob has on every 1.1 saxo it passes, and really starting to enjoy it all! Like I was told I would!
  2. I would use it if anyone else was there, got knocked down by passing dust balls! and meeting place type threads are all locked away from us newbies! I personally would love a proper cads place to chat!
  3. Think Im gonna go for Toyo, bit obvious I know but I had some Yokos on last car and didnt like them much, but was prob just me! Thanks for offerings of advise!
  4. ok but which ones then?
  5. yeah but now theyve got used to me, and have realised that all my questions border on the incompetent, they just ignore me!
  6. 1) best reasonably priced tyres? 215/35/18 are needed I think! 2) good place to get a cam belt change in North west? do I need both belts changed? (only just learnt there are 2!) Dealer has quoted £220 but will do some discount cos he said he doesnt see too many girl drivers and I asked nicely! Local performance garage has quoted £270 plus vat for both belts??? Could dealer price be for one belt only, have i understood right, theres the main one then a little one too? 3) can anyone recommend a good wheel refurb place in north west? Thanks in advance for any help, i tried doing a search but this ends up with me being more confused than ever! So many opinions!
  7. Was corrosion on the fitment, all sorted now, but i want someof them bulbs that look clear or silver when not on but flash yellow to stay legal, anyone know where you can get them?
  8. All seems simple enough! Thanks.
  9. Right indicator is flashing like a maniac about twice normal speed. Am I right in thinking this is a fuse gone? if so can anyone help me. I need exact step by step instructions for sorting it, and instructions on what fuse to buy. This is doing my head in, and im refusing to turn right currently. Please be v specific cos im a bit hopeless, if you think your instructions are too basic, I can promise you, they will still need dumbing down! Thanks in advance! Clare x x
  10. Oh and do you have there number please ?
  11. More info please, can you ask your mate how to go about it, cant find anything about how i clamp them and do it properly?
  12. How funny, tonights was a little girly in a 1.4 fiesta, trying it on at all the lights round a lights controlled roundabout, Im getting the hang of it now, made loads of noise, (laughing that is), watched her pistons jump through the bonnet while she tried it on, bf in car, prob egging her on, then when she cut across my lane and really annoyed me gave it loads, and was doing illegal amounts of speed before i exited the slip road! (sorry officer was doing a nice sedate 70mph) was gonna make a rude gesture but they were a blip in my rear view so didnt bother taking hands of steering wheel! So not like me, personality is changing with the car! As for being pulled by the police officers, Im yet to be pulled in scoob, but already have a history of being pulled and getting away with it, I like our local officers, very understanding blokes I find! Very nice chaps, one and all! But kids remember , speeding is not big and clever and just not funny!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. pmsl - bent a few nails trying but managed it..................
  14. Christ - thats seems harsh! But I would def advise the car above relationship, the car will always be loyal! Previous owner of my car sold it cos the wife wouldnt drive it and hated it, swapped the wrong thing in my opinion, but I benefited! So cynical for one so young! anyway Im sure she will love it when she gets behind the wheel!
  15. Due to some adorably cute and fluffy person parking right outside my garage, on my land, I had to do a 5 point turn to get the scoob in the garage and have managed to scuff my wheel badly, to metal , over approx, 2-3 square inches in total. Wheels have been repainted to match colour of car, so imagine this is not gonna be cheap. Considering; 1) ringing police and having the car towed for trespass (but its sat they will be 2 busy) 2) taking equal amount of damage out on the offending trespassing car 3) cant think of any other option, other than making there lives hell, cos not feeling sweet and kind right now! Have contented my self with nasty letter left on car for now as the owner isnt answering door, currently cant think of any real reason to calm down, guess it will all be better in the morning!
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