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rolling road day alan jeffreys sidc and ultimate cruising sat 17th november 2007

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Posted (edited)

sod it then, may aswell cancel if that is being the attitude. Any comments?

an opportunity missed, shall i invite SWS then?

I thought Big Rand was staying at yours for the saturday night?

Edited by JD
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so the whole thing will be cancelled just because im not coming wtf.......

my family WILL always come FIRST..

ive put alot of effort into the sw region over the last 12 months,i cannot attend/cancel one event and all i get is S**t..i give up..........

Posted (edited)

Not moaning about you putting your family 1st, i can understand that. Just it seems more people pulling out of this everyday.

But i have assured Martyn that we want to go ahead on the sunday, however if everyone keeps dropping out at this late stage it wont be worthwhile having the event on the sunday, and a few cannot attend on the saturday so will be maybe 7 or 8 of us if that.

Therefore, will it be worth running the event? If you were a business, would you?

Just wanting some input into this, can we discuss this weekend with Martyn? Shall we leave this till next year and let another club take advantage of this opportunity?

Edited by JD

1. JD

2. Scoobtastic

3. Parker - not attending family reasons

4. edmundo - not running no decat

5. james04

6. zombie

7. bigrand - sunday only

8. bacon boy

9. JP

10.MonkiP1 - Provided i can sort out the Service and clutch from Scoobtastic!


12. steveorangewrx

13. beef-on-the-bone

14. richtyr - sunday

15. ian

16. Sipo


I got no monies this month <_< few charges, car tax, and few other bills has left me very skinters :whistle: Got to save for xmas also.

So looks like i wont be comming to RR sadly :o Even getting a service and clutch replacement is a ****ing ball ache , and charges are taking a long time to come back also which is not helping.

Sorry guys.


1. JD

2. Scoobtastic

3. james04

4. zombie

5. bigrand - sunday only

6. bacon boy

7. JP


9. steveorangewrx

10. beef-on-the-bone

11. richtyr - sunday

12. ian

13. Sipo


i know exactly the situatoin your in jd......dont want to p**s AJ around, i appologise for the misunderstanding of me just spectating,was said on pages 2 and 3............anyway, i think it maybe AJ's call on whethere he wants to open up shop for 13 cars,i hope it still goes ahead for you and all the others wanting to run.....

Posted (edited)

will discuss with AJ on sunday.

Many thanks for the understanding p, will see you on sunday.

Edited by JD

no probs,organised things myself in the past,bought tickets,hired mini bus and payed for it all up front myself,, people pulled out and wouldnt pay up,cost me money which i will never do again.....................................cash up front in the future,at least if they cancel i dont loose out personaly....maybe an idea for future shows/events theres always someone that cant turn up for one reason or another..this way at least everything is covered...(just an idea)..


1. JD

2. Scoobtastic

3. james04

4. zombie

5. bigrand - sunday only

6. bacon boy

7. JP


9. steveorangewrx

10. beef-on-the-bone

11. richtyr - sunday

12. ian

13. Sipo

14. Merv-Sunday only

Can my mate bring his Corvette along on Sunday if he has not sold it by this Friday?

Posted (edited)

anyone is welcome.

I will be organising a trophy for this event: most power over standard as a percentage.

So please could you post information about your car and the standard power (factory figures).

My car will not be competing for the trophy!

Edited by JD
Posted (edited)

Start time of 10am, sunday 18th November 2007 at Alan Jeffries Engineering Ltd www.enginetuner.co.uk

1. JD

2. Scoobtastic

3. james04

4. zombie

5. bigrand

6. bacon boy

7. JP


9. steveorangewrx

10. beef-on-the-bone

11. richtyr

12. ian

13. Sipo

14. Merv

15. Kev

Edited by JD
no probs,organised things myself in the past,bought tickets,hired mini bus and payed for it all up front myself,, people pulled out and wouldnt pay up,cost me money which i will never do again.....................................cash up front in the future,at least if they cancel i dont loose out personaly....maybe an idea for future shows/events theres always someone that cant turn up for one reason or another..this way at least everything is covered...(just an idea)..

i see where u r coming from there parker mate look at last sunday down street wars it cost me in the end £55 just for me i will not b doing it again

how come mate???

i payed £25 up front mate and we all still had to pay to get in plus i raced that was 20 and a £5 to get in just put it down to exsp if i do it again i want all money up front and if name is down and people pul out no money back and thats there hard shxt


yh mate,totaly agree with you..................everyone puts there name down who wants to go and pays up front straight away.........just need to make it clear on the first post of the thread,,,then if they cant come for any reason the organiser doesnt have to pay and loose out..to be honest i see nothing wrong with doing this..

yh mate,totaly agree with you..................everyone puts there name down who wants to go and pays up front straight away.........just need to make it clear on the first post of the thread,,,then if they cant come for any reason the organiser doesnt have to pay and loose out..to be honest i see nothing wrong with doing this..

nor me mate its the only way to go people just have to think how they would fil if it was in there shoes and i think all will agree


yep...........its not until it happens to yourself and you have to pay up that you start thinking about this......................i would kick off about the stand on sunday though,,the general public took up half of it..there was no control on who entered the stand area,,,just some bloke waving everyone in.not checking any tickets etc..

yep...........its not until it happens to yourself and you have to pay up that you start thinking about this......................i would kick off about the stand on sunday though,,the general public took up half of it..there was no control on who entered the stand area,,,just some bloke waving everyone in.not checking any tickets etc..

yes mate i will leave it this time i think where they told us to go was not the best place we should of been up buy the Q for the 1/8 mile and where we was should of been for the general public and for them saying we would get a discount that was a bul was not happy but have learnt from my mistake i will email him and see what we can do for the next event


iya all who turned up i think it was a good day BUT the so called stand we had was shxt any old jo public was aloud to park in where a stand was and i did not think this was right IF ANY ONE THINKS DIFF PLEASE SAY plus i payed a diposit and and we still all had to pay the ful amount to get in there was NO discount as promised from street wars and it cost me £35 to get in with out the run (£55) with thats with the diposit i payed (just for me so i think i will b getting on to lee at street wars to talk about next time i think the stand if we do have one next time shouyld b buy the Q for the 1/8 mile please let me all know what u think as i will not b getting done with this again thanks to u all pete



i have spoken to Lee about last weekend, and i did offer to pay you back £25 out of club funds to compensate you, but you refused. This offer still stands. I will be in more contact with Lee closer to the next event. He agrees there are some issues with the parking and aims to resolve the issues, I dont think he planned on that many cars turning up.

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