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reminder - SS clothes

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a wee reminder to those who have thought about getting their personalised Scottish Scoobies clothes that I am closing the order on Monday.

The tops will have your username/real name on them and helps identify yourself at meets and events.

If you've seen other folk wearing polo shirts, fleeces, hats and thought hmm........ they look good......... quite fancy one of those.. where do i get them...

then have a look at the post stickied in the Announcements section - there will be a clicky to the catalogue.

The clothes are not available in the SIDC shop and you will need to order them via me to get them.

With payday coming up and the nicer weather approaching, order them now and you should get them for the start of June... just the thing if you are wanting to go along to club-related events and meet other forum users [:D]

shout if you have any questions, even if its as daft as you fancy a pink top or worried about sizing etc.

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