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Stage 1 Complete

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Here's stage one complete of the cleaning for tomorrow. This was done last night. Looking forward to a full polish and wax when i get back,not.  If i have any time and patience i may attemp using the Meguires clay. If you haven't used this let me know and i can bring some to the meet and see for yourself the effects. Not used on scoob used on old car was great but time comsuming.



Guys i ask your advice. I have ashow plate a smaller plate in size to the standard and with a slightly off standard font. is it recommened to not drive down with this???

see loadsa scoobs with the small plates what you think



To be on the safe side Ben i would not take the chance. £60 fine if old bill are not happy.

Car looking good about to go out and start mine. See you in the morning.



AGREE WITH WIMPY - Loads of cops down by combe when events like this happen especially in chippenham as you come off the motor way as there is a stretch of duel carriage way - they love to have hand held speed cameras there.


Here's stage one complete of the cleaning for tomorrow. This was done last night. Looking forward to a full polish and wax when i get back,not.  If i have any time and patience i may attemp using the Meguires clay. If you haven't used this let me know and i can bring some to the meet and see for yourself the effects. Not used on scoob used on old car was great but time comsuming.



Guys i ask your advice. I have ashow plate a smaller plate in size to the standard and with a slightly off standard font. is it recommened to not drive down with this???

see loadsa scoobs with the small plates what you think



Hey me jelous wanna swap!!!

looking real nice allready mate! yes the meguires clay is amasing stuff, i gotta get some more though!!! dappy fool me dropped mine in the road, grit stuck all over it????





I'll pass on the swap thanks

Lol,when i spoke to Meguires at a show when i got my clay the recommended tearing some off rubbing it in your hands to warm it up then do that. If you do drop then you haven't dropped the whole lot.

Its funny stuff to use though i seem to struggle with it. Might have to give me a demo if i remember to load it up tomorrow.

You going tomorrow Mr H



yeah i was told to tear it but i didnt bother!!! wanted to use a larger piece!!!

to use it best just do the spray on about a quater of a panel at a time and rub the clay once youve rolled it a little to make it a little more plyable, it takes so long i dont do it very often except in the summer, used to spend two days cleaning my astra!


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