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BSC Meet 4th Feb. Anyone from Oxford going in Convoy

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Blimey you scooby guys have your meets early, lol. When i used to have my old car (not a scooby) we normally done them later in the afternoon. I've yet to go to a meet with the scooby and was hoping for the Oxford one @ Sturdy's but missed it by oversleeping. I was just enquiring if anyone in Oxford is planning a convoy to go to Bucks.

How long do the meets normally last? and where is it being held. Says the Crow's nest thats a pub i assume??

If anyone is planning a convoy i'd be up for it 




Hi Ben.

If you give Craig(pinky-Lad) a PM he is coming over from Oxford. As for the Crow's Nest, Yes it is a pub just out side Aylesbury on the A41 Wendover turn off,there is a link to the map showing where it is.





Cheers Iain. I'll give him a couple of days to spot this then see what he says. I should be ok Sat Nav might have some work to do. Will see if anyone else fancy's convoying over. What we looking at for arrival time between 1130-1200hrs. Iain how long do the meets normally last?


Half 11/12 is fine. I say get there at 11:30 only because we normaly get around 15-25 cars turn up and i like to have everyone park together. Things normaly last till around 3ish giving people time to eat and drink, have a chat and for me to sort things out with all the members on what is going on over the months ahead. You dont have to stay till the bitter end people can drift off when they want. Hope this helps.





Lol, Cheers Craig


Let me know should be able to make this one so be good to see everyone, and hopefully a few guys/gals from Oxford will show up & meet new faces  



My girlfriend lives in thame so know it well. If a convoy is planned be best to meet you on the way at thame probably at the esso just before crendon or anywhere you can think of



My girlfriend lives in thame so know it well. If a convoy is planned be best to meet you on the way at thame probably at the esso just before crendon or anywhere you can think of


im up for that!



What sort of time are you meeting in Thame? You will have to come through Princes Risborough to get to the pub so if you what you can meet me in the ESSO in Risborough about 11:10 and follow me.





write then folks its the esso garage in bicester as the meeting point for the convoy for us oxon folks, im waiting for for atime from kaz so as soon as i no you will






What sort of time are you meeting in Thame? You will have to come through Princes Risborough to get to the pub so if you what you can meet me in the ESSO in Risborough about 11:10 and follow me.





are meet you there then mate. you up for that brokett

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