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Attn all Glasgow area members . . .

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Glasgow meet this Thursday ...


There are a few new members who will be turning up to their first meet on Thursday .

After introductions and a  blether we'll go on a wee run - roughly 1/2 hr (not a race !)

The run is to a country pub where we can sit down , have a chat , and hopefully plan out this years Santa Cruise .

When Santa Cruise was last discussed at a Glasgow meet , there were some great ideas brought up (coincidently in the same hostelry that we'll be going to on Thursday). It is now time that we try to put some of these ideas into action , and make it happen .

As well as the new members , I hope some that of the 'older hands' can come along too and share their knowledge and experience to help make this years Santa Cruise as successful as previous years have been .

 If you can't make the start of the meet/run but could manage to come along later to help with the Santa Cruise plans , please send me a PM and I'll give you the location .

Thanks [Y]


Link to Glasgow meet thread in 'events' section. http://forums.sidc.co.uk/forums/794541/ShowPost.aspx

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