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I'm very tempted as I'm off that day but start work v early on saturday. It would be good to actually meet some of you in the flesh so i will run it by the gate keeper and see if she gives me the green light!


I'm very tempted as I'm off that day but start work v early on saturday. It would be good to actually meet some of you in the flesh so i will run it by the gate keeper and see if she gives me the green light!

As this would be my first event i would appreciate not being left at any service stations along the way as i get the impression someone suffered this misfortune last year!


On the night if you want to swap mobil numbers with a few of us

so if you get lost or take the wrong turn you can get in touch with someone to put you right .

Failing that most of us have got walkie talkies which you can buy fairly cheaply .

Anyway we never go to fast so you should be ok [sn][:)]


By the looks of things there's quite a crowd going so I'll just follow an Impreza and see where I end up. However, I'll probably stop and turn around if i follow one any further than Manchester!


That was me and I took Dalthegooner with me lol  Got seperated from main convoy when police car shot across the roundabout as we left services and I thought everyone took 3rd exit when they'd in fact taken the 4th....oops. Still we got there before main convoy grouped up and left for city cruise.


And the moral of the story is don't follow Baser999 [:)] unless of course you want to go to France [:D]

The real moral is not to lend your only map to the 2 blokes in the 3rd car ( anyone remember who they were and whether they've attended another meet? ) and then have them fook off leaving me and Dal stranded  [:@] and then having to find our way back on track by phoning Scoobytoo

I cant attend this one as i have to go to some stupid conferance thingy for work [:(] and i cant get out of it cos everyone gotta go!

I'm assuming that there is a particular place in Thurrock where you meet and you don't just cruise around the shopping centre on the off chance that you will bump into another scoobie!

Is it the Wharf or is that somewhere else?


I've managed to track down the location of the Wharf on the internet and it doesn't look too hard to find. I'll be coming from Bromley so if there is anyone in the area that will be going also, perhaps we can create a mini convoy as a sort of warm up to the main event.


yeah i know the one. on the roundabout. is that not a cinema anymore? i remeber seeing the 'Blackhole' there when i was a kid.

Which way do you go from there?


1. Granby (as long as i can get the day off)

2. mickyw

3. T123VOR

4. turismo (TBC)

5. Dalthegooner

6. Baser999

7. Daniel

8. Padtwo (as long as I can get the day off)

9. Nudge

10. Loony Toon

11. Pele

12. Scuzz & Herman

13. Loonybin


15. Scoots


1. Granby (as long as i can get the day off)

2. mickyw

3. T123VOR

4. turismo (TBC)

5. Dalthegooner

6. Baser999

7. Daniel

8. Padtwo (as long as I can get the day off)

9. Nudge

10. Loony Toon

11. Pele

12. Scuzz & Herman

13. Loonybin


15. Scoots

16. Karn (aka. Still Grinning) 

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