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I have a 02 STI PPP Bugeye[:P] it's standard at the mo....apart from an HKS superflow dumpvalve

As it's my first scoobie and I don't know anyone else that has one, or much about them, [:D]I thought I better join this forum[:D]





Welcome to the club Jen [:)] theres plenty off us around, check the events section out and come along to one of the meets ...  [Y]

Ps ..only just noticed ur location [+o(]


Donald where's your trooooosers!

Welcome Jen. Not sure who qualifies as your regional organiser out that way, or where the nearest events are.

A wee run up that way next year sounds like a great plan though.


Thanks for the replies[:)]    There are 2/3 scoobies on the island

Inverness is my nearest meet[:D]....some 120miles.....1hr45/2hr drive[:P]





Thats not to far away, maybe for an evening meet yes, but there are plenty of organised days' out  [Y]


hi there nice to have a northern girl on board, yep were your closest meet- theres one tomorrow night so if you set off now [:D] but keep your eyes on the events section,there may be something more suitable appearing soon [:)]



Thanks for the replies[:)]    There are 2/3 scoobies on the island

Inverness is my nearest meet[:D]....some 120miles.....1hr45/2hr drive[:P]






120 miles, 1hr 45/2hr, guess that would be at a very conservative speed. lol

hi n welcome



Hi Jen and Welcome to SIDC [:)]

I have had my scooby nearly a year now and still don't know much about them [:$] well the basics.

But I do know I love them and there are a lot of lovely and helpful people on this forum and you will enjoy it [Y]

But be warned tho they may be a bad influence on you when it comes to modding tho [:D] lol

I was detrmined not to catch the bug but alas I did.

Vicki [:)]

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