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Well my wife went out to work tonight, done her work, then went to meet another man [^o)]

She was acting very suspisciously, i turns out she has been on the phone to this man today, and i tell you its not the first time her and said man have been interlocked in fone conversation.

So when she came home i gave her the third degree about the man she had been away meeting behind my back, and after a bit of water tourture she gave in to the questions without much persuasion or pain on her part !

And the man in question was .................. 









MAKO .. 




And he sold her this carbon STI strutbrace as a prezzie for me [:P]



So Thank you Nicky and Mako, you wee pair'o'sneeks [y][:D]






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Higgy, the dvd is just braw, thats the first time iv realy got to see my car going up the strip, cheers mate [y]

Nice one Russ i was eyeing the one on your car up the last time, im well chuffed with it[:P]

Jacky&Russ thank you for the toys for wee jake( and maybe me[:$]), he'll think he's it, ta[:D][:o]

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