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I'm more than happy to go with that mate... like I say, there might be something said to us, but I'd hope that once we explain what its for then that shouldnt be seen as a problem. I fully support SC and agree that even a wee bit of a donation from events held will add up to make a big difference. [H]



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One of the times when I was at Crail with Scottish Jap Club we had the BBQ inside one of the old outbuildings, dunno if they were charged or not but was ok except from the smoke

Am more than happey to pay a donation to Santa Cruise for the grub, I shall stop off at Asda on the way and get some crisps, and Irn Bru if you wish

And just read Dells post, I shall grab some hotdog rolls as well (as long as I can find them in Asda (usually let others do the shopping))



(If I had read the post earlier I could of got my ma to bring me some butcher meat up from Rothesay[:D])

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