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Convoy to Crail on Sunday?

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Anyone from Glasgow up for a convoy to Crail on Sunday. Ive been so many times but still don't have a clue how to get there.



Alright Fly, why not pop along to the Glasgow meet tonight as im sure Crail will be talked about in the carpark before or after the run

Were meeting up in Hillington tonight so have a wee look in the events section and stick your name down, the more the better

hope to see you tonight




G. the meet is tomorrow night big man.

Anyone know what time Crail is due to kick off at so we can get some meeting points sorted.

I'd imagine Showcase maybe, then Mcdonalds/Burger King at the FRB with the Edinburgh squadron.


Yes I know I know, all this time off work screws with my brain...lol, saying that when im away I never know what day it is either, one day just slips into another




Fly and I can't make it tonight, unfortunately as hes working late, plus im taking the scooby into the garage for a full T-cut tonight, Lucky me! Can you post details or PM me. Showcase sounds good to me.



Why dont all of us meet up and go through the gate together......now that will be an entrance worth seeing

We could get it videoed, what an add that would be !![:D]

Pity Squirell Spielberg wont be present, [:D]



Stephen if you take controle of the south to north convoy that would be a great help mate [y]

From north to south plans are abz folk meet up at said meeting point, then pick the dundee folk at the shell then head of to crail hooking up with RS Grant and anyone else thats up for it on route .

Grant i will give a call, re - meeting point. [:D]


Looks like Glasgow are going the back way, so wont be going through Edinburgh.

Not sure who else is down on the list from Edinburgh, but I'm sure they'll post some times.

Either way we're intending on being at the gate for 9:45 to meet up with Dundee and Aberdeen contingent.

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