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Whats been happening?

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Well thats me back in the land of the living! Well out of the sticks anyway! Back in Darwin but leaving for Sydney on saturday!

Was in a place called Humpty Doo picking watermelons, bloody hard going actually. Ther was strange looking spiders, dangerous snakes and mad hallucinagenic toads! Hardly had a chance to get online. Just wondering what the latest news is, i notice theres a lot of newbies and not so many regulars on so hi to the newbies and goodbye to the absent normals!

So whats the latest, whos sold what, who's bought what and the likes???

So the car is away, it will be missed but hopefully its in good hands!

Ive only a few months left travelling, then its back to normality! I will need to get a job and on the bright side, look for a replacement for the Terzo! Any  ideas?

Hope all is well with every1 and hopefully i will get a chance to meet most of u at an upcoming meet or event!





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Alright for some - Australia and getting your hands on some melons, what a life.

Now I'm nae scared oh creepy crawleys but they have some serious spiders and snakes in Aus. I would be c**ping masell if I was picking melons.

So how are sheila's, tinnies and shrimps (The usual stereo type of Aus). Be glad yer there it's starting to get colder here, summers finished but you missed a good one.

Car must be the new T25. I've got the plate but need to get the car.

Send us a postcard [;)]


PS can you take back 50 oh those toads you mentioned [mo] [Y]

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The sheilas and tinnies r plentyful but the beer isnt the best, i miss the big red T! Still in Darwin at the mo, theres burds in bikini's everywhere!

I dont like the spiders much maself and theres some scary looking things out in the fields. The supervisor ran over a king brown snake on the way in2 the farm one day and one of the boys i worked with had to stand on a quad because two death adders werent very  friendly! Fortunately, i didnt see any snakes till i went on a jumping croc tour wich was mega!

I'll make sure and bring back some toads but only if the locals wud stop putting bleach over them!  [:(]

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