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GUNK and CD-2 cleaners

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Having had a look through a post yesterday about engine cleaner, it seem that a combo of GUNK and CD-2 Engine Detailer is the way to go. I have found a place in the UK were I can get GUNK from and have found a guy in the UK who can apparently ship CD-2 to the UK. Shipping is a little pricy though.

I have asked how much he can supply. If anyone is interested in getting some, let me know and I will see what sort of price it works out. It will be a more than from Halfords, however as we can't get it here anymore, it will be worth it.



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CD2 on its own worked well for me. I used the lance from my Jetwash, without the poer switched on to get on all the nooks and crannies. (Won't be doing that with a hosepipe ban).

Now Halfrauds have stopped selling it, I bought some gunk, but haven't used it yet. I might have a go tomorrow.


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