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The real phone conversation-

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Wilky- Hi im lying on my new waterbed having sat on my hand for 20mins to make it seem like......

Gumball- Pardon?

Wilky- I know your car is faster than mine but surely now i have a new water bed and can disguise the fact i touch down in the middle of the night and stay warm at the same time we can go to the BBQ/meet?

Gumball- Pardon?

Wilky- I am going to take the white ice cream van to the Highlands with the boys and serve up a couple of chocolate Mr Whippys.

Gumball- Pardon?

Wilky- I need to go now, IKEA are round with the police for some reason.


Click.......................line goes dead



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ring ring..................ring ring............


WILKY- Hi i would like to touch a man tonight

GUMBALL- you need help

WILKY- yes can you come and help me do it

GUMBALL- pardon?

WILKY- I touch men

GUMBALL- good bye

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