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The new vauxhall corsa wrx. huh!

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What is it with me and vauxhall corsa's.... last weekend i was pestered by 3 teenagers in one, last friday i had a red 1.2 corsa alongside me at the lights with the idea his corsa could do a standing quarter in 9 seconds.[8-|]

And then to top the lot, on my way to work tonite i had a black corsa weaving in and out in an attempt to overtake me on a stretch of open road, three times i toed it away from him only for him to chase back after me, so i let him blast past (doh), and to my amazement he had stuck a WRX chrome badge on the back....i pmsl....[:o][:D]

It baffle's me how any normal spotty face 19 yr old can get behind the wheel of 2001 1.2 corsa and truely believe he has morphed into a world touring car champion....... or do i need pills ?[*-)]

i am lost for words [8-)].................speachless [^o)]............

I am giong to put corsa badges on my impreza....that will solve it[Y]

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I remember a few years ago when I got my second car (Mk2 1.4S Fiesta). I thought it was the quickest thing going. Obviously I knew that it wasn't but it felt so quick, nothing could ever beat me. I guess that it is the same thing.

Now if corsa drivers etc try it, I sit at 30 until I have a bit of clear road and then floor it. They don't catch up.

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It does make you laugh!

Saying that, watch out for a White NOVA/CORSA ( can't remember which ) it has a 2.0 16v Vauxhall lump in it around Dartford and is quick when on the move.

Jon and I compete against a guy with a MK2 Escort with a Full Race Vauxhall engine pushing out around 270-280bhp with a sequencial box and we struggle to keep with him on the straights.

We spoke to him at service and he had just spent 40K on the engine and box, he said it was a fully lightened and balanced race lump which he could hold at 9000+RPM all day long. 


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It does make you laugh!

Saying that, watch out for a White NOVA/CORSA ( can't remember which ) it has a 2.0 16v Vauxhall lump in it around Dartford and is quick when on the move.

Jon and I compete against a guy with a MK2 Escort with a Full Race Vauxhall engine pushing out around 270-280bhp with a sequencial box and we struggle to keep with him on the straights.

We spoke to him at service and he had just spent 40K on the engine and box, he said it was a fully lightened and balanced race lump which he could hold at 9000+RPM all day long. 


I work with a bloke who rally's a nova with vauxhall 16 valve, thats pushin over 220, he brings it in on the odd occasion, its a beast of motor.......he's spent crap loads on it

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