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T- Shirt Votes, the Final Count.

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Firstly, I would like to add that there is one vote that I did not count before it was deleted from the thread, that is Shreks. His vote is therefore not included in the figures below.

I would also like to add that it has been suggested many times that the two Yellow votes (1 & 12) and the two Grey votes (5&10), be added together. That HAS NOT BEEN DONE in the figures below, but you can make your own assumptionsas to the most popular colours.

By excluding all new family member logins and new logins that were created after the 9th May watershed, the votes are as follows:

You can easily see that the combined votes of 5&10, are a clear favourite.



This next listing is for ALL VOTES, excluding Shreks, who I know voted for 10 as first choice, but I do not know his second. The vote is closer (see Graph Below), but only after things got silly on the 29th.

However Grey is still the winner!



Finally, I have included a Graphy to show the voying paters of ALL VOTES. I know the colours are wrong, but im not that good at graphs on Excel.

You can see a huge jump in 1 & 10, where the voting started to get inconsistent, with the early stages.



Please note that the purpose of this exercise was to find a clear winner for the colour of the T-Shirt. There are clearly two favourites, but only one actual winner on aggregate.




By way of cm

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