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Pulled up outside Kate's work at teatime behind a van with it's hazards on to pick her up.She's just about to get in when,a guy in a silver Fiesta goes to drive round me and crashes straight in to the corner of my bumper(at this point i should say it was my work's vehicle)and proceeds to drive off up the road at which point i jump out the van and start tearing up the street after him on foot.He pulls up to the lights(at red)behind another car at the front of the queue(not in to any of the 2 parking spaces at his left hand side)and seems to be getting ready to go when the lights change....at which point i reach the car,punch his drivers window in anger and pull open the door.

I then ask him in a rather animated state "what the f*ck he thinks he is doing hitting me and driving off"....to which he replies (in shat English) "i no drive away".......i right ar*hole.....i then snatch keys from ignition and call my boss at which point a guy from Kate's work tells me to calm down i am being a bit heavy handed......he got told to "go away or some harm would invade his person"...or words to that effect.

Turns out Salvatore has just picked the car up from Hertz at Prestwick Airport,whom i spoke to and collected all details i required to make a claim.

Before leaving i let him know that contrary to whatever the f*ck goes on where he comes from,in Scotland we do not drive into other vehicles and then just carry on straight up the road....threw his key at him and pi$$ed off home.

I hope Italy get horsed at the World Cup....KN&BS.



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I remember the first time I went to Italy.  My Italian workmate turned up in a spanking new vectra (days old) with the rear drivers side door caved in.  I was like "holy crap min what a state of a motor" and he smiled, went "oh well" and threw his hands up.  Nae big deal!

It was only after driving through Milan that I realised Italian cars WITHOUT a ding are the exception.

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I remember the first time I went to Italy.  My Italian workmate turned up in a spanking new vectra (days old) with the rear drivers side door caved in.  I was like "holy crap min what a state of a motor" and he smiled, went "oh well" and threw his hands up.  Nae big deal!

It was only after driving through Milan that I realised Italian cars WITHOUT a ding are the exception.

It's like that in US of A aswell

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It's like that in US of A aswell

Drove in Itally too. Yeah they are nuts, but they are all nuts together. Never a road rage incident and kindly move over if you're tanking up the rear in the fast lane. In the US however... ignorant a55es have no clue of what is going on unless it happens in their drect field of vision and will happliy sit in the fast lane at 55 and not budge no matter what you do. Mind you, you don't want to p1ss off the worng American, otherwise you run the risk of getting shot!

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you know what?

i was thinking about that too !!!!

must be coming up for a breather i thinks [:D][;)] jc  get back to enjoying yourselves


but must say that i have had the missgivings of driving a few time in the great country of italy

they seem to aim for cars that dont have a dent on it, it's like a red rag to a bull

and the parking............the bumpers, one quote was "thats what they are for that arnt they"



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Besisdes, I'm one to talk. On my wedding day, I played in a 5-a-side league match, went home got ready and went off to get married. It gets worse. I then cut my 1-week honeymoon short by one day to get home in time for the following Saturday's game! [;)]
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