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Great day out, my first real day out with kent members, met a few of you, quite a decent bunch of yobbo's (no offence). drift cars had me going, lookin forwrd to seeing you all soon.....

Yup, got to second that, me and the BLONDE had a great time, was nice to meet some of you and hopefully see ya all soon! Wife loved the tunnel blast on the M25 that put a smile on her face! [:D]

All the best

mr & mrs Jock

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On the subject of Japfest, a personal thank you to Granby, Markie, Sped, Scoobytoo and Shrek for travelling home at relatively sensible speeds enabling me to keep up - remind me to get some go faster stripes fitted to give me that extra boost lol [:D]

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Great day out, my first real day out with kent members, met a few of you, quite a decent bunch of yobbo's (no offence). drift cars had me going, lookin forwrd to seeing you all soon.....

Hi, Nigs, Yes it was a great day, Thanks for taking us all around them little lanes, all muddy and wet. Made my day even if the car is caked.[:D]

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