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KentScoobies T-shirt colours.....

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The colour chosen in discussion with Foxs Subaru is.....

Primrose Yellow with blue writing

The KentScoobies logo will be across the back and your name will be on

the front left side and the Foxs logo will be on the right. 

All we need to do now is sort out a decent deal with a supplier and of we go....

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I thought there was some sort of agreement to a white shirt with blue logo etc but out of courtesy this would be put to Foxs for their opinion since they were going to be sponsoring us? We now seem to have settled on primrose/blue - is this going to be put to a vote or is this final colour? Don't mean to upset the apple cart but it would be nice if this were the majorities choice ..........shall I get my coat ?

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Was only asking - thought we were all going to get involved in colour selection and club plans hence the questionnaire. But hey like you say, those that don't like the colour needn't buy it .......[;)]

Look where it got last time when we tried to make a decision on the colour for the shirts [*-)]

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Was only asking - thought we were all going to get involved in

colour selection and club plans hence the questionnaire. But hey like

you say, those that don't like the colour needn't buy it .......[;)]

You beat me to it Ian.....

Look where it got last time when we tried to make a decision on the colour for the shirts [*-)]

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Was only asking - thought we were all going to get involved in colour selection and club plans hence the questionnaire. But hey like you say, those that don't like the colour needn't buy it .......[;)]

Look where it got last time when we tried to make a decision on the colour for the shirts [*-)]


one of the main reasons it went flat was £45 for a club shirt was out

of peoples budgets for a shirt whatever colour we would have decided

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This is the final colour, if you don't like the colour then you don't have to buy it....

Pele, its a shame that you've had to adopt this approach - after all I honestly believed that the idea of having a club shirt was to bring some uniformity and harmony amongst us when we attended club functions. If Foxs would prefer that we wore a primrose shirt with blue logos thats fine, however, surely that proposal should be put to the club members first rather than accepted as final ? A questionnaire was put round only a fortnight ago presumeably with a view to gaining members opinions on various issues concerning the present and future running and welfare of OUR club and I believe we all answered it in a hope that some good would come out of it. However at the first hurdle, choosing a colour for the clubs shirt, you have to ask why we bothered with the questionnaire?  I accept that there are times when decisions have to be made without recourse to all the clubs members however I don't believe this is one of them - personally I feel that we should have been made aware of Foxs thoughts before a final decision was made - after all we're the ones wearing the shirt and to say 'if you don't like the colour then you don't have to buy it...'  is frankly not going anyway to creating a happy, harmonious club.  

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I think you make some valid points barry.  But like it has been said when it was asked before it turned into total chaos and got nowhere - i think whatever colour was chosen there will always be someone that doesnt like certain colours etc i for one hate red!  Lets face it most people will only wear the shirts at meets and shows and think that if we are representing the club at major shows etc especially as we are getting our own flags and banners then its good to all  wear the same even if you dont like the colours!

PS yellow attracts the summer black bugs!!  Oh well I will still get one.......................[;)]

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The purpose of the questionnaire was to gather information about other

things, the reason I did not ask about what colour would you like was

beacause last time whatever a decision was made on someone didn't like

it, which is why I didn't put it to vote.

Even if the yellow and blue were chosen by a majority, there would

still be those complaining that it wasn't fair and they want a

different colour!!!!

As Sheepie has pointed out, these will only be worn at events and will

be a noticeable colour that can be associated with the club - if

everyone wore white we would mingle in with the crowds as most clubs go

for white....

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