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CADS Podcast Idea

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Hi guys.


I had an idea the other day to do a podcast for CADS. Not sure if you do or don't know what a podcast is, but it basically would be a great way of keeping track of the latest vids that I make. The idea is that you use a podcast client, such as iTunes and subscribe to the CADS podcast. Then, every so often when I update the podcast, it automatically downloads to your pc so you can watch it whenever you want. Saves on bandwidth, effort etc. You can even synchronise the videos with your ipod so you can watch CADS vids on the go! (perhaps taking it too far at that point, but you can see how handy it all is!)

Here is Apple's explanation of the subject: http://www.apple.com/itunes/podcasts/

now.... the points to discuss:

Podcasts are designed to be public so any vids that go out there are viewable in all their glory. Number plates included. After editing out the number plates from the promo video, I decided that I want to keep my own sanity and not ever have to go through that again! Took me bloody ages that did. So plus side is, it is public so anyone can see how great CADS is. Down side is that people can see your plates.

So... the questions are:

Are you interested in this podcasting? Do you use iTunes?

Are cars really at risk if someone knows your plate? After all, people see them everyday on the roads.

Do we want to keep the vids to members only?



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Sorry for the confusion. I shall try and explain both.  First, lets start off with iTunes:

iTunes is Apple's answer to Windows Media Player. It plays videos and music. It also has a music store which is the most popular music store on the internet today, spanning most countries around the world etc. A few versions back, Apple introduced an extra functionality into iTunes. Podcasts...

ok, a Podcast is a bit like a digital magazine subscription. Only with music, or videos instead of naughty ladies [;)]. So Mr. Bloggs could subscribe to the CADS Podcast and every time a new video clip is added to the subscriber's list, all the people subscribed automatically download it without any effort in finding what they are after. All FREE

Extra benefits are if you have an iPod (like a walkman but not so gay and 80's!) you can put the podcast onto the iPod and watch the CADS Podcast anywhere you like on a little piddly screen! wohoo you. saddo. Another one is the fact that Apple's file compression is pretty impressive so the files are quite good quality, yet reasonably small to download.

So that's the technology behind it, and I have looked into how to make a podcast and I have even made a demo one last night using a 5second clip of my mustang revving. This is where you may come in....


Especially home videos and meet videos. But don't go emailing me your 8000mb video clips! I need a link or just let me know that you have one and I shall think of something about how I can get it off you.


To get iTunes:


dont worry, it is all completely free.

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Theres always one hehe just kidding mate. I totally respect your privacy.

I guess I could either cut out cars that don't want to be shown or if there aren't too many - blur out certain plates. I just want to avoid bluring out every damn car.

Take that 5min public promo vid for example. Some scenes had about 10 scoobies on the screen at once and the camera was moving. I had to watch the same little bit about 100 times to make sure the blur moved correctly for all 10 cars. nightmare.

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