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"Ayrshire RB Race Night"

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BIG thanks to Malky and BIG Andy for the organising the Race for to Raise Money for th RB fund.

Great night had by the supporting SIDC memebers and everyone that went. Still waiting for the final total to be confirmed but its ALOT!

Cheers for the raffle prizes Andy!! ;-)

Rice Rocket

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Amazing amount of dosh ! . All for a good cause m8 .Glad to have done it .Months of planning and alot of blagging but its well worth it with total like we have. Pitty about the poor attendance from the SIDC , bit red faced still , after explanning the lack of support from the club that was supposed to be hosting the event. I would like to thank everyone involved (Malky) the rest of my family and all my mates that DID make the effort to come along and support this official SIDC fundraising event whilst also having an enjoyable night out as well.I would also like to thank everyone who donated prizes and sponsored races .




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 Pitty about the poor attendance from the SIDC , bit red faced still , after explanning the lack of support from the club that was supposed to be hosting the event.....



Glad to hear hall went well and some good money raised for cancer research, think possibly timing was a little bit out with two events being held so close together, esp as SIDC members just donated more than £1000 a few days earlier, anyway its good to see Scotland doing their bit for such a worthwhile cause, big thumbs up to all that attended both events, and those who donated some cash



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well done to all who made the effort for the race night

no need to rub it in though about the poor attendance

after all it isnt about who was there or who wasnt or who made the most money

its about doing somthin for  a worthwhile cause

i myself was working but im going to make the effort to go to kames


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TWO  sidc members went to the racenight ! and youve got the cheek to tell me not to rub it in ..BLOW ME .This night has taken up most of my spare time for two months and yes it was succesfull and if as many people bothered to come as looked at this thread then Cancer Reasearch would have benifited even more. I know the timeing was a bit off , but £3 per ticket and a few pounds on a horse wouldn't have broke the banks.IMHO. This type of crap has become the norm on scottishscoobies , its easy to sit at a computer  and say this and that but to go out and organise an event of any type ,be it runs ,charity events or even car shows isnt easy and when you get little or no support it does p#ss you off.

We were running an official Sidc event , so to answer another of youre points ,Yes it did matter to me that out of 120 people only two sidc members attended. To be honest I really shouldn't be replying this way but Ive kept my views to myself far to long.

Andy. .......Oh and the total ...[;)]

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At the end of the day a lot of money was raised for this really worthwhile cause,lets not forget that & get carried away by who was & wasn't there.The night was a complete success with a lot of money being raised towards Cancer Research in memory of Richard Burns,that's what matters to me, my family & I'm quite sure the rest of you folks.

See ya soon,


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At the end of the day this SIDC event was a success YES. Thanks to the SIDC definately not.Thats all im sayin , it was a successs because of the effort that myself and Malcolm put into it not because of the support from members as we would have hoped . Del i am not getting carried away , this really p##d me off and to be honest with you banging on about it "doesn'tmatter who was or wasn't there has pi#ed me off even more.What if my family and friends never came along or got involved were to busy or to skint ehhhh! Wed have raised a whole £30.What if 6 people turn up at Kames , or 1 person turns up at a meet , will you still feel the same ,I very much doubt it.[:@] As the Ayrshire Ro you should be supporting me , but youve chosen to say its alright and make me look like an idiot . Not happy is a major understatement [:@].



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Andy I know how you feel, about the banging head bit, there are loads of people who have let me down as far as the whole event goes and many people who should be doing and who have done  the square route of Zilch.

There are people in positions who bump thier gums then do nothing,

there are those who wont take part because they arent  interested because it wasnt thier idea and who would rather attend something else that day, and are neglecting those in thier area that want to go.

There are people who have said they will help and havent.

And there are the cnuts who just sit back complain, say "Oh he hasnt done this he hasnt done that" Offer no help, criticise and wait for you to fall on your face so they can laugh up thier sleeve.

Well listen in everyone who reads this. Im going from LE to JOG with or without you and even if I have to pull the feckin car myself and only raise 50p its going ahead and ill die doing it if I have to.

You have done fantastic Andy stuff them, I cannot be everywhere ar once but i bet it was great, the folk in england are the same, fundraising alot of them not getting support.

You and Malky done good.

He who laughs last laughs the longest ;)


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[;)]I agree with you Andy that there is a lot of nonsense going on where people dont want to attend or cant be bothered or even worse-


If only we had more people organising things like events, stands, runs, outings etc!!!! the place would be great.

I like SIDC, i like the people in it (most of the time as we all fall out now and again) and think its a good club. If i wasnt addicted here i would be addicted to something else and wouldnt want to not have sidc

we do need to have more effort by people in general, myself included to get out and do things.

I have a real bugbear about teh lack of enthusiasm over runs etc and think "why buy the car if you dont wanna drive it?" but each to their own i suppose.

Im going to arrange/organise a run after the RB relay like we had in March, May, October and November last year.

Hopefully in September we can get 50+ carsto attend.

Oh, one more thing..............you spelt timings wrong

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Yous have indeed done great to raise money for such a good charity.

I could not go because i am always working even on my own RB Charity Meal Night.

I personally don't know why other SIDC members didn't go but i'm sure they have thier own reason.

Once again great work yous have done.

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Callum , Chris and Peter thankyou for your support . [;)]

The total raised on the night £ 1,800.00

Roof Profiles donation £   200.00

Rice Rockets Racecard  £   30.00


Total amount raised so far. £ 2,030.00

Again to all involved a big thankyou . Not bad for one nights work. LOL

Andy @ Malky.

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well done thats a tidy sum you raised

big andy chill out i wasnt having a dig nor am i going to blow you

I never meant to upset you in any way, was merely saying that you should have been proud of the way your night went. I know it must have been a bit of a slap in the face for you that only 2 sidc members attended . We should all make a bigger effort to be scottish scoobies instead of ayrshire  or glasgow or whatever

once again i never meant to piss you off with my  post

 sorry G.


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I've never not given you my support!!!

This is getting blown out of proportion,what really matters is that Cancer Research have benefitted greatly from the Race Night.Those who turned up on the night enjoyed themselves & gave generously.I wasn't trying to make anyone look like an idiot just trying to keep us focussed on the same goal of achieving something great without all the bitching starting up again.

I know you feel let down by the SIDC/Scottish Scoobies for their  lack of support at the race night,you shouldn't because they let themselves down by not supporting it which is quite sad on their part.

Pat on the back for those who did manage to give generously & help out.

You can't please all of the people all of the time no matter how hard you try  but you did manage to please all who turned up on Saturday night & that's what counts.


PS. you're too big to SUPPORT[;)]


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