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O/T FAO Aberdeen folk

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Keep an eye out around North Esplanade West/Market Street, plod are

having a great time at the moment. Been patrolling past couple of days

in a marked Volvo Estate, 4th person so far this morning just been

pulled outside my work.


Cheers for the heads up!

What's the speed limit on the North Esplanade West, I think its 30mph but there's no signs but being dual it could be 40mph?

Anyone know for sure?


Cheers, I drive that way to work and I'm never sure.  I'll keep it a 30! 

Just got a de-cat fitted and I'm felling a bit self-conscious!?!?  Not such a sleeper now!



Cheers for the info!

Need to watch out now as the car certainly isn't emmisions friendly........................if you know what I mean[:(]


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