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SIDC membership

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Now a fully paid up member!!!! Got all my SIDC goodies in the post this morning...



But will you get full benifit for you money??????????


or are you just paying for a pic next to your name and 4 mags..........


Apart from the discounts J he's also paying for this forum which you are not!

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Now a fully paid up member!!!! Got all my SIDC goodies in the post this morning...



But will you get full benifit for you money??????????


or are you just paying for a pic next to your name and 4 mags..........

Already planning to get value for money in discounts from a well known scooby bits supplier....[:(] I can see your point that if you are only going to use it to get a pic by your name and 4 magazines, then it seems expensive. However, on top of the financial discounts (from which I will more than recoup my SIDC subs) I have certainly had more than £30 worth of good advice from other members here, nor will I feel 'cheeky' asking some of the members here to give me a lift when I get stuck fitting my new (second hand and bought without wiring diagram or instructions) PIAA driving lights[:(]. I am reasonably new to scoobies, and therefore have a lot of questions to ask and with asking all the stuff that I have (and all the stuff that I am likely to) I felt it was 'right' to join up. I know I could have asked the same questions and got the same answers without joining, but that doesn't seem right to me. If you don't feel that you get £30 worth in advice alone every year off these forums then fair enough, but I've been a member for a few days and already feel I got a bargain - if asking questions on here saves me just 1 hour's labour charge (£45+), then I've done ok. Looking forward to meeting folks at the March meet too!!! Ultimately, you pays your money (or not [:(]) and you takes your choice.


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let me make some points.

1. I am a paid up member of the SIDC

2. Most discounts i would get...i can also get through the LADS or Through the CADS(technically SIDC i know) but i still support  the SIDC.

3. without the SIDC i would never have bought a scoob in the first (my wagon has gone now, i know)

4. without the SIDC i would not have met the people i have or done the shows etc etc .

5. if we dont support the SIDC and others akin...it wont exist...so you can forget, the shows, any clout we have IM motors or the SWRT.

i could go on.....

i am not aiming this at anyone in particular...this is my view.

and NO i am not loaded...far from it.

but hey, life is for living[:D]


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Now a fully paid up member!!!! Got all my SIDC goodies in the post this morning...



But will you get full benifit for you money??????????


or are you just paying for a pic next to your name and 4 mags..........


Apart from the discounts J he's also paying for this forum which you are not!


thought the advertising paid for that????

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let me make some points.

1. I am a paid up member of the SIDC

2. Most discounts i would get...i can also get through the LADS or Through the CADS(technically SIDC i know) but i still support  the SIDC.

3. without the SIDC i would never have bought a scoob in the first (my wagon has gone now, i know)

4. without the SIDC i would not have met the people i have or done the shows etc etc .

5. if we dont support the SIDC and others akin...it wont exist...so you can forget, the shows, any clout we have IM motors or the SWRT.

i could go on.....

i am not aiming this at anyone in particular...this is my view.

and NO i am not loaded...far from it.

but hey, life is for living




Well said that man!

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