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depends which stages we do, could meet at nottcuts or m2 services??

nottcuts would be better if you are going to the challock stages first. Early start i know but well worth it[;)] by the time the last car runs through challock and the first one that runs through Bedgbury in the afternoon should give plenty of time to get refresments[:D]. This is our plan of attack, we managed to get to bedgbury for the last stage last year and weas very impressed[H] So who is coming along then??[:D]

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Can make any stages you fancy [H]

As Barry, never been to a rally before so have no idea with regards to how it all happens [:$] will meet up beforehand. Just let us know where and when [:D]


looks like we may have 2 seperate convoys down to the rally?

one for the early birds and one for the sleepers?

think we might need to get a list of who wants to go when then we can sort meeting points out as required.

ok i'll start!

scoobytoo- later stages.

shrek - later stages.


Im in the same boat as baser,never having been to one of these,would be good if we could meet at n/cuts though!!!!


[:D] Hi all,

Sorted a few things out and i will be coming to the morning stages, Cant do all day as i have a nieces party in gillingham for 2, should give me enough time to watch early stages and get back. Can you let me know where you are meeting up in the morning, Like a few of the others i haven't been down to watch this before so not sure what happens with regards to parking etc.



I m probably gonna come along and watch with you guys also....and bring Adam (mini j-k)

So will meet you at notcutts..

Can we arrange to visit the service area also?? 




Will probably be best to meet at nottcuts, i will sort out a time to meet later on[:D]

Looks like we're all waiting on you now Markie .....for those of us that have never done this sort of thing before, do we need bring food, flasks of tea etc or are there supplies on site ? 


 You will need to bring...

A flask of tea/coffee or whatever you want to drink

Some warm clothing (preferably waterproof just in case)

A sensible pair of shoes but preferably boots to change into when you get there

Oh, and a black bin liner...to put your muddy shoes/boots into before getting back in the car..

You should not need any food as MARKIE is buying the pub lunch..lol[:D]




Right then, meeting at nottcuts 7.30 am[:P] then onto challock for 8ish, boots on and then off we go into the woods ( dogging should be finished by this time[:o][:D]) to find a good location for action i.e a nice straight leading into a nice sharp bend[:D] plenty of sidewards action[H][:D]. Havent been to the challock stages before so have no experience here but i'm sure that its going to be good, the first competing car will come through at 09.04 last car through at 10.05 so that will give us plenty of time to sort out food and drinks before the afternoon stage at Bedgebury even possibly calling in at the service area[:)].First competing car through Bedgebury is 15.04 last car through is 16.45 so its a full day[Y] just hope the weather is kind to us[:)].

 Now then on to a more important issue food!! please order what you like after i have left the building[:D]


Hope you have a great time and please remember motor sport is dangerous[;)][:)]



well done mark,

 barry will probably want to lnow if your stopping somewhere overnight[;)]

when and where shall the lazy barstewards meet you for the drive down to the later stages?


Hi markie where do us lazy ones meet for the afternoon race, as there is no way i can do the early morning one, like me lays in too much,;)]" src="/emoticons/emotion-2.gif">


I'll be there with car 35 as service / management I think.

Any pics (it's a blue 1400cc Corsa) would be well appreciated, the owner / driver's an SIDC member, but doesn't post on here- he owns an Ex Richard Burns Prodrive classic.


I'll be there with car 35 as service / management I think.

Any pics (it's a blue 1400cc Corsa) would be well appreciated, the owner / driver's an SIDC member, but doesn't post on here- he owns an Ex Richard Burns Prodrive classic.

sure we can get some pictures for you[Y]

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