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Thinking about decat d/p ... many questions

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Hi Ally

Can't answer any of your questions lol but how did you get on with your headlight?

Hope you've not had a wee sneaky smoke yet face-icon-small-wink.gif


when you wrap the dp you soak the wrap first and do it wet, then store it in an airing cupboard overnight. when fitted to the car you will get a fair bit of steam from the still damp wrap. The heat produce will help it bond. The wrap should also come with metal tie clips for extra security.

IIRC your car should not require a remap.



Dan. LOL would a coating of marmalade waterproof it then ? face-icon-small-happy.gif

Andy. That sounds like a good tip , thanks .

Vicki. My car is still sporting 'the David Bowie look' with different 'eyes' .

the shop has promised to get the correct one .Stuboo got me the part number , so they have no excuses now face-icon-small-wink.gif

And I'm still off the fags face-icon-small-smile.gif


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