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FAO: ED-209 and other Motorpoint Customers

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I know Ed had a letter from Motorpoint, but I've not and neither has my mate that also bought one from them.

But here's some slightly dodgy reading - 1 and 2.

I've posted on the first one with my thoughts, but it's certainly something I'll be keeping an eye on. It might be worth getting details from everyone who bought from Motorpoint should we need to get involved en mass.

As you can read in my big reply I don't think there is anything to worry about as Liaco/Subaru Malta don't have a problem with the sales, so warranty work shouldn't be an issue. What might be an issue is getting it done hastily at an authorised UK dealership.


Cheers for that mate. I don't mind if you link or post my stuff upto snet as I can't remember my login details.

Just for a quick update. I have had several email, letters and faxes from Subaru UK, Subaru Malta and Fuji Heavy Ind in Japan.

Basically. Subaru UK - Not bought from us not covered.

Subaru Malta - Motorpoint only acted as agents - fully covered 3 years and 12 bodywork.

Fuji Japan - We have your money now pi55 off. not intested.

best ones was email from malta.


"Dear Mr. Reid,

I would like to thank you sincerely for your patience and assistance aimed at resolving the pending issues with Subaru UK's persistent refusal to award the Pan European Warranty on trivial grounds. Nonetheless, we are continuously working to improve Subaru Drivers the all round positive experience they truly deserve. It is a pity that the experience has been marred by such a silly incident, however we are positive that ultimately good-sense will prevail.

On a separate note, just to be certain on our end, the only documents you did provide Subaru UK are the Invoices they requested. Have you been requested to provide a copy of any agreement entered into with Motorpoint? If they have out forward this request, did you oblige?

Sincere thanks

Romain Galea (Dip. Mngt, M.I.M)

P & A Manager

Liaco Limited

Lia Buildings, Mosta Road, Lija BZN09 MALTA

TEL: (+356) 2141 8111 ? FAX: (+356) 2141 8589




"Dear Mr. Reid,

we still insist that your vehicle is covered by a 3 yr Pan European warranty and 12 year anti perforation warranty. Whatever Subaru UK are indulging in at this time is not clear, however you are the rightful user of a Subaru vehicle and you should not refrain from enjoying your vehicle at all.

Romain Galea (Dip. Mngt, M.I.M)

P & A Manager

Liaco Limited

Lia Buildings, Mosta Road, Lija BZN09 MALTA

TEL: (+356) 2141 8111 ? FAX: (+356) 2141 8589



Fun or what. Bottom line is if it needs repaired and Subaru don't do it I will reject the goods (the car) as being materially diffrent from description ie mis-sold and get all my money back. cost of use being offset for inconveniance.



Hi Guys

This is my first post so hello everyone.

Picked up my new WRX from motorpoint in Glasgow 2 weeks ago.

Told at the time Subaru UK were withholding the 3 year warranty. I was supplied with a 1 year motorpoint warranty until things are sorted out.

Have spoke to Motorpoint and am just awaiting the arrival of my documents to try to make sense of the situation.


Welcome mate. Enjoy the stay.

I'm sure it will all be sorted soon. After reading those threads and Ed's comments it seems that IM are just being obstructive.

Out of interest Ed, had you registered yours with IM and received a confirmation letter saying it was ok? I've got one of them, and I'll hold them to it.


No I orginally got a letter saying they had been asked to register it for cross borders warranty. next letter was to say bog off. At then end of they day I bought a car with a 3 year subaru warranty, it doesn't mater how much or how little I paid for it. I want my subaru warranty. not being nasty but a motorpoint warranty is duff compaired to a manu warranty..


PS.. Enjoy the car U4iK. This is my second one, and they have only got better.


Will do Ed

Happy so far with the car if only this warranty issue was sorted out soon and in our favour I will be even happier.

Just out of interest Ed where in Glasgow do you get your car serviced I was looking at Halleys.


I've had mine done in Halleys without troubles. Infact mine will be in again next month for a service probably.

Maybe springs if santa things I've been a good boy.


Not needed any warranty work done yet, but it is on there system as it shows up as WRX 300. so I am keeping my mouth shut until I have some ammo. Oh just to let you know U4iK they will charge you about £90 for the first 1000 mile service which takes about 10mins to do. Ask to wait for it when you book it in.


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