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What's happened to SouthWest Scoobies?

One minute everything seems fine, the next some folk appear to be getting 'jibes' aimed at them!!

Smile everyone face-icon-small-smile.gif


<< I mean this thread, basically, Jacqui.

A member or two appear to have been 'under the kosh'.............

face-icon-small-frown.gif >>


As you may or may not be aware there has been a little falling out between a couple of people.

I have requested that those disputes are not bought onto these forums and that has been respected

I have decided not to edit any posts because TBH thats how the whole dispute started IIRC

So I hope that clears that up

The only person under the Kosh on these forums would be Julian WRX and he likes it face-icon-small-happy.gif


Errrmmmmm, is the new SWS site still working? Just a yes or no will do.

Been busy all day so not been on, I know there were technical problems yesterday afternoon, so didnt know if that was still the case or it been shut for another reason, don't need to know the reason.

Anyway, gonna go home and read my Scooby Magazine issue 6 and 7 thats arrived this morning, read my True Grip last night that arrive a couple of days back, some really dodgy looking blokes in dresses in it, at least we had style enough to wear grass skirts !

face-icon-small-happy.gif and have to put me new tax disk in my SIDC tax disk holder, it's all go this end.

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