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After a year long break ( boy was it long ) I have gotten another Scooby. I have a 05 WRX SWRT. Full decals. I did pop my head into the last meeting in stepps I didn't stop long as had other things to do. Well tought I would say hi, and give me a flash if you see me about.

Cheers Ed.


If someone would tell or show me how to post the pics I will. Thanks for the return welcomes. Now is anyone selling a decent exhaust, cause a coment at the meet was mine is not very loud (exhaust that it).




go to www.photobucket.com

then browse to your saved pics. then copy the middle link into the forum message.

ask kitten_sti, she knows how to use it properlyface-icon-small-wink.gif


Ed welcome,

That was probably me that made the comment about the exhaust.

Wow is your car stealth, was as quiet as a church mouse - apart from the full on SWRT decals obviously !!!

Dunno about second hand zorsts but check out C&C Stainless exhausts at Hillington if you want proper noise.

Err... is this a record, someone beating wrxmania/brian to recommending C&C ????? face-icon-small-wink.gif




Welcome edd, didn't spot your car @ stepps last week unfortunately but hope to see it again sometime soon!!

Loving that Robocop author icon you got there too


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