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Any Engine Technical Gurus out there !!

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I'm hoping someone could help with a quick cyber-diagnosis of my sick scooby ( MY95 Classic WRX )

I have suddenly started to get grumbling noises from the engine when accelerating.

Idling and low steady revs are fine but when accelerator is pushed ) or when I get to about 3k rpm ) I am getting a loud clattery "GGRR GGRR GGRR GGRR GGRR GGRR" from the engine.

Oil and water levels are fine.

With the bonnet up, the noise seems to be coming from the top of the engine, under the bit that is next to where the accelerator cable meets the engine. I'm guessing this is where the fuel/air mix or injectors are. The bit in front of the intercooler which splits and runs 2 Left and 2 right.

When I rev the engine direct from the accelerator lever, this causes the engine to vibrate when the noise starts. This would make sense because I get feedback ( vibration ) from the accelerator pedal when this happened when driving.

1. Does anyone have a clue what part of the engine I am describing ?

2. Does anyone have a clue where the problem may lie ?

Apologies for the vagueness of the descriptions of the engine.

Many thanks in advance




Does it sound faintly like a diesel!

I dont know about the GRRRR GRRRR GRRRR GRRRR bit but does it get louder when you rev the engine at the throttle body?. Does the noise get louder the higher the car revs.

What oil do you use and when was it last changed?

Underneath the manifold at the junction with the manifold is where the crank runs along towards the gearbox.

Is it still driving and can you bring it to the meet on Tues and i can have a listen to the Tiger in your manifold area




Cheers for replying

Does it sound faintly like a diesel! - Yes

does it get louder when you rev the engine at the throttle body? - Yes

Does the noise get louder the higher the car revs. - Yes

What oil do you use and when was it last changed? - Oil was changed at last service about 3 months ago ( note - not dealership service ) . I have since topped up with Castrol Magnatex 15/40

It is still driveable but didn't want to continue daily use until I had an idea of anything if terminal may happen on the M8 on way to work.

I'll try to bring along to meet on Tuesday ( assuming I get there from Inverclyde )

Many thanks.

See you on Tuesday




<< I touch goats

Grant >>

PM Back at you .

@ RS Grant - cheers but I think it is what was suspected and confirmed by The Squirrel..........Big Ends !!!!

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