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Im buying a hideous looking black carbon fibre bonnet for the deathstar and want to know if anyone has any experience in fitting them?

taking the heatshield off the old one and replacing it to the new? straight forward.

sorting out the inners of the scoop and lining up the intercooler hose? hopefully straight forward.

drilling holes in my spanking new bonnet to mount bonnet pins? NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET PART 19.

Can anyone shed any light on how do carry out this process with out breaking things? oh and who wants a WR blue STI bonnet with more shotgun spray than ned kellys hideout?

This little gem i will sell for £199. even if its for the rather large STI 8 scoop, this in good condition is a steal.face-icon-small-wink.gif

many thanks GUMBALL

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In my experience of bonnet pins, you mount the shafts first, tipex the top,Which will show you where to drill, close the bonnet and then open it again, looking at the white marks, drill the holes, making them big enough to close the bonnet with the shafts protruding. This then allows you to see where you are going to mount the pins and body. Buy quality ones, not the pish from halfrauds which bend like Marc Almond in the Blue Oyster Bar.

Callum W

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listen cat-weazels, this thread is for serious input not monkey business.

I know you like scoobys Matthew you pie.

it wont be that when im in front of you at 69mph and the things flys off and wallops you in the front windae.



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the subaru homer issue could be the way forward.

Scott, is this something that you would be able to arrange?????

as for AWD, i would do that as a last resort, just becuase its a tank of optimax getting there and back for me, but still an option.

I would like to get it fitted this Thursday hopefully.

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hey gumball/chris !!! could you possibly post a pic when you get your bonnet fitted? my bonnet has also been desicrated by the "sand-blast" monster face-icon-small-sad.gif this was one option i was gonna consider ... either that or get mine re-sprayed

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