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Halleys & SIDC Discount

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Or lack of.....

Just trailed thru from Falkirk to pick a replacement MAF at the princely sum of £170 and asked about the discount being a member of the club.

Guy in the parts department (after checking with a couple of other folk) informs me that they know of no such discount. I was under the impression that Swiggi/Dougster had been in discussions with them about this and a discount had been agreed??

Before going off on one I wanted to get my facts straight - has it been agreed and has anyone thats had a service or picked up parts been given the discount?? Might just be that the parts guys haven't been told.



Edited to say I thought that this discount had been made official but appears it might not be. Anyone confirm ye or nay?? not finger-pointing at Dougster or Swiggi!!!!

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