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Crash on route to crail?????????????/

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I got into work this morning and was quizzed about my authenticity as a living breathing humanoid!!!!

Apparently, as coincidence would have it.............................2 different guys in the office have mates who were on the road to Crail at the weekend. Boring? at the same time.

So......as these two random cars were positioned near each other on the back roads to Crail......................................

3 cars approached from behind at a rapid rate of knots, overtaking one by one the number of cars that were driving quietly along.

The third car unfortunately didnt make it back into the gap in time and smashed head on into a oncoming volvo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That car was a subaru impreza

i dont think anyone was killed but wasnt sure who the poor scooby driver was and if hes alright??????????????????????face-icon-small-sad.gifface-icon-small-sad.gif

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lasy year when i was coming home from crail had a soft tyre so was doing about 45 and this fiesta comes flying up behind me on the straight before borehills and proceeded to overtake but was going so fast he lost the back end and pilled into the embankment parrallel to me nearly wiping me out but i stopped and went back and he ripped both wheels nearly completly off the car hewas one lucky boy he did not hurt anybody in the car or hit me or he would have got a serious slap. he even had the cheek to say it was my fault cos i was going to slow!

worse thing then standing seeing if everbody was ok and other cars coming pilling round the corner locking wheels and hitting bits of the wall which were all over the road and a couple coming close to wiping us out so in the end i phoned the police and got out of their before somebody wiped me out aswell.

my point is people drive far far to fast on that road and it's about time the police did something about it before somebody does get killed.

im not going to say i dont brake speed limits but their is a time and place and that road especially on every second sunday is not the time or place!

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