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Just bought a new set of 17"s today(still in boxes)for MY01 bugeye,but will

be keeping the original WRX ones as winter wheels(once refurbished).

Would now like to get the car lowered so that both sets will look sweet when

fitted,only problem is i have no idea where to start...relativley new to this modifying

lark as most of you know.

Would appreciate info on:-where to go/what brands to use/ideas on price/whats required to be done.

Cheers in advance.....face-icon-small-confused.gifface-icon-small-confused.gifface-icon-small-confused.gif


Don't lower too much - you'll goof up the handling.

Best ooption by far seems to be the Prodrive Suspension Spring Kit available from your local Subaru dealer. Then getting a full, proper geometry check done - not just alignment eg Kwik Fit.

Lowers 15-20mmm IIRC and makes the new age cars much better to drive.

Brian face-icon-small-happy.gif


Yup agree with ya Brian, had both Eibach and Prodrive on mine, Eibach lowers by 30mm and Prodrive by 20mm. Gotta say the prodrive ones are far more progressive and handle far better over normal roads. Going from the Eibachs to the Prodrives also got rid of loads of understeer from mine. I had been told the Eibachs are better on track but I cant comment but I could imagine they are.

Other than that Coilovers, but a tad extreme me thinks....although Tien are nice face-icon-small-wink.gif

Springs for our cars are £150 and not sure how much to fit, I fitted mine myself, and a further £40-50 to get the prodrive geomotry settings.

Hope this helps ya



As you can see ma man i have the prodrive springs and they are quite simplyawsome , as i went through a similar dilemma but through speaking to derek (mechanic)at halleys he said they are the best and are slightly different from the eibach, hence the 20 or so quid extra, but your car is worth it. If you want ill give you a run on sat when we meet and that should help. face-icon-small-cool.gif


cheers you three,i,ve kept £400 aside to get this done so hopefully that

will be enough.PRODRIVE kit seems to be the way to go then.

Fraser that sounds like a plan to me mate,thanks.


Yup local dealer, good price with the SIDC discount of course face-icon-small-wink.gif Was £150 but as Brian said its marked as £195 online (-10% for SIDC members). Id call your dealer and see what price they can do them for mate.



Thanks just purchased my membership about 10 mins ago so

when card comes through i'ts straight off to my local dealership(halleys)

i go...........think the mechanic who does most of my jobs will be

carrying out the work.

thanks lads.

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