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Teknopete falls off face of the planet !!

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Hey peebs its me.

I`ve been real low profile 4 a whilst and unless u were at the last KH day u won`t ave caught me around 4 2 long.

It`s about 2 get worse face-icon-small-sad.gif as I`m currently working out of town and the hotel i`m stayting in has zip in the way of web access (not that i`d use anyone elses puter on a pwd`d site) :roll: To top it all off as i`m in the process of moving to a wee hick town i`ve cancelled my IP services as of Monday 08/11/04 as blueyonder don`t service that town face-icon-small-sad.gif So please don`t mail me on teknopete@blueyonder.co.uk.

Once i`ve figured how to config my phone to my parking suppliers servers I`ll be able to receive mails at my universal address

teknopete@scoobymods.co.uk face-icon-small-wink.gif Sorry 4 any probs this causes peebs but hey turd happensface-icon-small-smile.gif

I`ll catch up with u all as soon as i`m fixed up with a new ISP (this may be a little whilst though as we dont really want a BT line in the new house and i don`t have time to search for alternatives with being out of town) If anybod has a suggestion drop me a text face-icon-small-wink.gif

Anyway if u need 2 get hold of me i`m still reachable on 07939 416007 ATM (if no answer then leave a message as the site i`m currently working on is a "no mobile phone use" site, but i check the phone when i`m finishing at night face-icon-small-wink.gif

L8r peebs


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