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Hi Peopleface-icon-small-smile.gif

Time for another wee meet,how about Monkton Lodge on Thursday the 11th of November at around 7.30pm.

Other car clubs welcomeface-icon-small-wink.gif


Santa Cruise

Christmas Night Oot!!!

Any other business

Please feel free to add any sensible ideas to this agenda,cheers


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Aye, the Monkton Lodge sounds good. We've had a few meets arranged there (from the other unmentionable forum) in the past.

I won't be sure if work commitments will allow me to be there, so I won't put my name down. I'll just turn up if I can.



2. Stevo-STi

3. WRC No 1

4. Rice Rocket face-icon-small-smile.gif

5. billyboy

6. wrxmania

Car will be back today @ 4:30PM - face-icon-small-happy.gifface-icon-small-happy.gifface-icon-small-happy.gifface-icon-small-happy.gifface-icon-small-happy.gifface-icon-small-happy.gifface-icon-small-happy.gifface-icon-small-happy.gifface-icon-small-happy.gifface-icon-small-happy.gifface-icon-small-happy.gif - should be able to make it 90% defo.

Brian face-icon-small-wink.gif


Make me a maybe - poss working late


2. Stevo-STi

3. WRC No 1

4. Rice Rocket

5. billyboy

6. wrxmania

7. Malky

8. Andy

9. Bladerider



99% sure I am not coming. Too long a drive straight from work and may not get there until at least 8PM, then have to drive for ages home too. Just too knackered at the moment - even today!!!!!!!!!!!


2. Stevo-STi

3. WRC No 1

4. Rice Rocket

5. billyboy

6. Malky

7. Andy

8. Bladerider


Hope you have a good one. Stirling meet soon too.

Brian face-icon-small-happy.gifface-icon-small-happy.gif


should be able to make this meet

can someone post directions to monkton lodge from stanecastle roundabout

im coming from paisley

i take it its near irvine

if not im already lost


Hi GR55,

Not sure where Stanecastle Roundabout is face-icon-small-confused.gif but the only information I can give u is u are heading for the large roundabout with a BP station facing u at the ( sort of end ) of the A77 where its either a left for the A77 to continue to Ayr , right to head for Prestwick , Troon , and straight on face-icon-small-smile.gif is the BP station and Monkton Lodge !

I dont know from Paisley too well but I recon u could come over the Gleniffer Braes , take a left at the give way , drive for 600 m or so until another give way at a hotel, then a right turn onto the main road for Stewarton/Kilmarnock etc..and just keep following the directions for Kilmarnock then Ayr until u turn out at said roundabout .. RIGHT TURN into the BP station/lodge ... should only take 20 mins or so from there.

Hope this helps ( a bit face-icon-small-blush.gif )




If you're coming from paisley, and you decide to take the A737, it means you'd be coming through my town. I'll be picking my nephew up from Dalry. If you want to meet me there you can follow me to the Monkton Lodge.

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