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Another one hopped over!

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Just moved back in hereface-icon-small-cool.gif

Sorry to any one who waved / flashed my DBM classic over the w/end ,either between Livi and Forth or Livi and Boness,the better half was loose with the car ... due to the inability of the female species to do more than one thing at a time whilst driving she wouldn't have returned the acknowledgementface-icon-small-blush.gif


Hey J 50.......

been a sh!tty couple of weeks ,Helens mother lost her battle with the BIG C last w/end so you can imagine ......funeral,wills,bickering sisters(Helens)missing ££'s,explaining to the kids its just crap the noo.

Helen had a couple of good blasts in the car over the weekend(on her tod) so she's got a wee glint back in her eyeface-icon-small-wink.gif

Cars goin well, done my wheels in anthracite quite meeean lookin.

Sorry to be so Depressing folks....on a Monday to, as if its not bad enough eh!!



hi colin,

sorry to hear about your bad news face-icon-small-sad.gif glad to see you hear though! when you coming up for your oil change?

i can show you all the bits h20 is consuming at a frightning rate face-icon-small-shocked.gif still, it will be nice when finshed.............

c u soon m8,

cheers robinh20mrv


Hiya Robin gonna get a couple of tyres just shortly for the rear (fronts done less than 1k ago before anyone goes off on one about the 4 tyres at the one time thang!face-icon-small-wink.gif) get the guys to fit ,poss supply need to get price from Andy for 2/ ZZ3's , them when I'm in for oil change.

When the hell is youre weapon going to be unleashed....talkin aboot Weapons has Pete still got that white STI wagon?



hi colin,

send me the sizes/type of tires you require and i will sort you out a top price face-icon-small-happy.gif pete sold his white waggon last week, he is running a shogun as a day to day mota, and he has the 450bhp ra for fun and games!!face-icon-small-shocked.gif sam ellsar aka the dentist is coming down to map it for him as soon as the 850 cc injectors arive from japan face-icon-small-wink.gif

my car is getting set up just now, its in at csl sighthill geting the geometrys done today, so its getting there! i got a realy good deal on a exaust system face-icon-small-happy.gif h20s got roger clark motorsport headers and up pipe, mated to a bob rawle 3 inch system, realy good kit!, a blitz panel filter, using the std air box, and lots of wee bits and bobs,

just have to order the intercooler and work out what ecu to use! cant get a apexi, so its a toss up between dastech, gems or autronics,

time will tell!!

c u soon, cheers robin.

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