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some of us was talking 2 day about the santa cruise a suggestion was made on the 12th when we do the santa cruise if we would be up 4 donating some prezzies 2 another place because we dont know how many kid will be at yorkhill. the place that was suggested would only have about 15 - 20 kids in there. ages will between 8 and 16. some of us had agreed on this so need 2 know if the rest of u's would be ok with this i know it is a bit late notice.

this is a group decision not just 2 or 3 people it is all of us that are taking part.

(wullie & claire)

karps if u want 2 put up more info thanks.

i will post this up in the santa cruise 2.

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sorry guys been a busy week here for me.

home i was looking at is a council run one for kids taken into care and have spoken with them to enquire about santa cruise,BUT apparently theres a lot of red tape to go through because the kids have been taken into care and the senior will check it out.

i did NOT promise we would be able to help as this is a group decision.

if anyone needs to drop off prezzies gimmie a pm and and we can arrange to meet up (wullie I touch goats)

so far the total of prezzies i have in my possesion is 36 and i will check the ages tonight and post it up for you all




Hi Noelface-icon-small-smile.gif

How about another meet to drop off some more presents,would help you get a better count & see where we stand.

Iff people already have some presents they could PM you with details ie. X no.boy/age or X no. girl/age.

36 is NOT alot,I'm sure we can do much better!!!! 

Come on folks,just tell your friends & colleagues to GET YER WALLETS OOT!!!!!!



PS. Some night next week would suit for a meet,preferably indoors. 


del ive sent Noel a pm to meet up somewhere tomorrow(Saturday) night, and ive left my number with him to give me a call to arrange a place and time.



Hi Wullieface-icon-small-smile.gif

Can't make your meet tonight,too short notice.

Why not arrange a meet for next week,give folks a chance to arrange their busy schedules.

I'm sure people will be busy buying presents over the weekend to add to the Santa Cruise.

Why not raffle that BIG DOG of Claires,I'm sure it would fetch in some more lootface-icon-small-happy.gifface-icon-small-happy.gifface-icon-small-happy.gif

We could also hold an auction of any scooby related bits & bobs that people have lying about their garages & have no longer need for.

Just some thoughts,



ho del bad thing 2 say about the dog claire is so face-icon-small-mad.gif

but tell u what? how about i get another 1 and raffle that 1 face-icon-small-smile.gif

ps. dont 4 get i have 2 live with her face-icon-small-happy.gif



It's a dogs lifeface-icon-small-wink.gif

Wouldn't want to part Claire from her toys,another POOCH sounds a good idea.

Put me down for some raffle tickets Wullie,you can PM the details of the draw etc.



PS. see you at the Ayrshire Meet on 11/11/04


total prezzies so far is

age boy girl unisex

0-1 2 1 4

2+ 1 3

3+ 6 9 5

4+ 4

6+ 4 3

8+ 1

43 in total

cmon guys we can do a lot better than that surely



Took a while Noel,but understand your numbers nowface-icon-small-happy.gifface-icon-small-happy.gif

Age Boy   Girl   Unisex

0-1   2   1   4

2+  1   3   0

3+  6  9   5

4+  4   0   0

6+ 4   3   0

8+ 1   0   0

I'm sure numbers of presents will rise over the next few weeks now that we can see where the shortfalls are.

Has anyone found out approx. numbers of kids at Yorkhill yet?





i havent had a minute to myself to phone yorkhill,they were supposed to phone me this week but didnt.i'll def phone before we meet on thursday.face-icon-small-smile.gif



how about raising a few quid for the santa cruise and have a subaru scalextric racing nite.i will supply

the track,cars, lap counter etc.i'll even buy a present for the winning driver.the only thing needed is someone to offer a big enough room to set up the track and enough space to hold everyone who attends.no serious stuff please just a good laff and money for yorkhill.

names below please.


wrc_no1 well wullie you did say you were game!!!!!!!!! (is claire game?)


people this is geting s@@t no much info geting put on here 2 let us all know what is going on with this santa cruise face-icon-small-mad.gif

we need 2 get our fingers out of our but holes cause people dont know if we are coming or going.

just post anything 2 do with the sant cruise I.E how they are getting on with the donation or presents when and where if they wanted them picked up or dropped of 2 noel just things like that.

at the moment we have 9 names down 4 the final numbers.

and only have 43 presents at the last count with noel.

so come on people just give us a bit of info.




Calm down Wullie,it's only a commercialface-icon-small-happy.gif

Seriously kid, i'm sure it will all come togetherface-icon-small-smile.gif

You can add another 12 presents to the list & hopefully by thursdays' meet it will be up to 20+.

Still awaiting progress from John Spicer at S&S,though he has promised a donation.




Hope you don't mind Noel but I thought this might helpface-icon-small-wink.gif

Age Boy   Girl   Unisex

0-1   2   1   4

2+  1   3   0

3+  6  9   5

4+  4   0   0

6+  6 6   0

8+  2   0   0

12+  3 3   0

Updated total 55

Iff people could copy,paste & add what they have got so far it would be a great help with overall numbersface-icon-small-smile.gif



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