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Best place for tuning...

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Hi every one looking for a bit of advice on ware to go for a bit of tuning on my o4 wrx I am looking for a bit more power but don't know ware to go ore relly whot to start way I was thinking of andy forrester, but sent him a Fu emails to get prices and that.. But still no feed back eny one know of eny one good in the Glasgow area way good prices??? Thanks for your time.


hiya mate, Andy Forrest only does remaping - he doesnt fit parts or sell anything apart from turbos.

if your in glasgow then the nearest i know personally is hypertech, theres also RA motorsport in perth and stevie whitson in edinburgh - all are really good guys and will give you advice and supply and fit all parts

if your wrx is standard then a full exhaust system, uprated fuel pump, and remap is a good start - throw in a sti intercooler and sti injectors and you should see 300 ish bhp


Thank for the help lads hypertech is not that far from ware I stay never even Thot of them was after a exhaust for a bit more but I was told I would need it mapped for good power gains so... Thot I would see whor you lads think... Cheers agen

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