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Have you been spotted?

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I need to say hello to the newbie in the Red Classic I was talking to near my house.


I was the svelt young man on the mountain bike (No! - Before you ask, it was not a girl called Heidi -  It has wheels).

Hehe yea I spotted you on yer bike, I thought someone's gonna say I've been driving too fast or something lol!



Saw you again on Thursday night,


But I was in a Taxi after a bit of a beer or two up town.

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I also saw Moles Dad's old car on the M2. (Pele only told me the night before Andy's family had parted with it after 4 years), but I recognised it straight away from the cage in the back.

The new owner and I exchanged nods [Y]

Hopefully he will bring it to some meets, so we can toast Andy [;)]



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Spotted Daisy on the A20 near Larkfield midday-ish....got a wave and a flash. Daisy m8, where you been hiding ?

Then about 10 minutes later I spotted T123VOR - no, not our Trevor "man of the shorts", but registration T123VOR on a silver Range Rover Vogue. Old bloke driving it Trev so shouldn't be too hard to mug him and nick the plate for your own car [6] lol


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spotted silver one with gold wheels heading towards asda gravesend at 3pm...was just about to smile but driver looked grumpy lol...

also spotted little green p reg 2pm sunday.scoob in canterbury

and a silver one parked up outside house in cold harbour road gravesend at 9am this morning.


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spotted silver one with gold wheels heading towards asda gravesend at 3pm...was just about to smile but driver looked grumpy lol...

wonder if its the wagon thats driven past my place twice this week and completely blanked me both times


gold wheels no grapics and a grumpy woman driver lol..

it werent me blanking ya lol...youd know me..i wave and bib...flash me lights...make scooby noises..hehe..then i wonder why people look at me like im a headcase...hmm

 mines a jap import with letters TAB so wave and dont look at me like im mad if ya see me haha


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Guest v8voodoo

Silver classic, yellow stickers and flaps parked up in a maze of streets near Walldonway service yesterday and lots in the Walldonway compound..lol!!

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Guest leebo77

On my way home from work last night, just gone 6:40 on the Old Kent Road a guy in a blue new-age, arm out of the window waving and hooting. Was it anyone here? 

It was me!!!!!!! [;)]

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On my way home from work last night, just gone 6:40 on the Old Kent Road a guy in a blue new-age, arm out of the window waving and hooting. Was it anyone here? 

It was me!!!!!!! [;)]

Sorry Lee I didn't spot the car til the last minute hence I didn't realise it was you. Thought it was some mad nutter..................well suppose I wasn't far wrong lol

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