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My appologies to the blue newage who saw me make a right t*** of myself in maidstone earlier. I don't usually drive like that, just a lack of concentration.

I was looking ahead up the road concentrating on moving over for the broken down car 200yards, when i diden't see the lights change to red, so took the action of braking hard from around 35-40ish and ended up locking up and totally making a t*** of myself.

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See Pele driving Looney Toon's blue bugeye in queenboro past DWL today about 12:15....

Whats with he white bonnet ? And yes if you heard the horn it was me in the van going to opposite way...

Lol it's silver and the original bonnet fron Tony's first scooby ;) He sold the other bonnet when he was doing the front end conversion on the bugeye, then changed his mind and left it on my drive for months without a bonnet - then my head gasket went so we needed a quick fix for it so I had something to drive around in.... that's the short version :thumbup:

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shiralee getting out of her car in snodland yesterday i did toot but no wave or anything

b5 ttd silver wagon snodland bypass monday ;)

b5 ttd miadstone town last nyt

w700dng trevors misses twice in snodland i did flash and wave both time got funny looks though

Sorry babe...didnt see ya :D:D

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w700dng trevors misses twice in snodland i did flash and wave both time got funny looks though

She says she didnt know if you had waved so didnt back!


Saw a nice RallySl4gged newage on the snodland r'about today S** WRC

Also a nice JDM newage H** SUB on J4 we blasted off down the slip

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iv just heard from a friend that a a blue scoobie with yellow graphics was spotted smashed up in a back of a recovery truck at hempstead. hope it was'nt anyone on here and that the driver is ok

Hope its not someone we know... Fingers crossed the driver etc are ok.

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