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Sprung a leak (2003 STI)

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Has anyone had any issues before with water getting into the boot of the car. I think its most likely the seals as before i bought the car at S & S they had the spolier off to respray the boot lid so i think it may not have gone on properly. Just interested to see if anyone has had an issue with this, its not a lot of water but not welcome all the same.


Not had the problem myself but yeah quite a few peopel have had this issue, usually after changing the spoiler.. Some have also tracked it down to being the seals around the rear lights.. But since the spooler has been off recently that'd be the first point of call. :icon_salut:


Cheers mate, its only a wee bit at the near right corner so i lights is possible, thanks for your help. Soon as the heavens have closed ill get the tools out.

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