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Monthly or fortnightly meets for Herts and Beds

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Hi Everyone

As most people probably see on the forum there is meet over in Grantchester (Cambridge aarea) at the end of each month.

I know there are alot of people in Herts and Beds who own scoobys but don't really want to travel that far for a meet so i thought i'd throw the idea out to the crowd to see if anyone was interested in a meet for people in the Herts and Beds area. If you are interested in this, post your details in the thread and we can arrange something in the coming weeks. I haven't thought of any particular locations yet in order to hold the meet so any ideas are welcome.

Would be good to meet up with a large group of scooby enthusiasts on a regular basis.




The reason i decided to do this thread was because when i post the threads for the monthly meets in Cambridge there are always over 150+ views which kinda indicates some sort of interest in meets, so i took the assumption that there might be some interest in a meet for Herts and Beds.

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